Melissa Brown

Melissa Brown Email and Phone Number

Medical Assistant Instructor @ Protrain, Llc
united states

Melissa Brown's Contact Details

Melissa Brown work email

Melissa Brown personal email


Melissa Brown's Current Company Details

Protrain, Llc

Medical Assistant Instructor
united states
I'm a skilled healthcare professional with twenty years' experience. I have successfully performed routine tasks under supervision of nursing staff and physicians. Within my twenty years I have successfully trained and taught other healthcare professionals. I'm seeking administrative jobs, such as, scribing or an administrative position that will continue to foster growth as a healthcare professional. Personal Summary Excellent verbal and writing skills Self-Starter Organized and avid planner Multitasking Detailed oriented

Melissa Brown Work Experience

    Bs, Rma, Rpt
    Durham, North Carolina, United States
    Medical Assistant
    Altos Federal Group 2004 - 2006 · 2 yrs
    Reston, Virginia, United States
    Medical Assitant
    Columbia Aroua Joint Venture 2004 - 2005 · 1 yr
    Medical Assistant
    Kahu Malama Nurses 2002 - 2004 · 2 yrs
    Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
    Certified Nursing Assistant
    Favorite Nurses 2000 - 2002 · 2 yrs
    Decatur, Georgia, United States
    Certified Nursing Assistant
    Montgomery County Nursing Home 2000 - 2001 · 1 yr
    Medical Assistant
    North Carolina Specialty Hospital Mar 06 - Jun 07 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Durham, North Carolina, United States
    Certified Nursing Assistant
    Gateway Healthcare System 2000 - 2002 · 2 yrs
    Certified Medical Assistant And Scribe And Trainer
    Qtc Apr 13 - Jul 14 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Diamond Bar, California, United States
    Medical Administrative Assistant And Medical Assistant
    Nursefinders Jan 99 - Jul 10 · 11 yrs 6 mos
    San Diego, California, United States
    * Helping with basic medical procedures * Taking vital signs * Reporting health issue to the supervising nurse * Recording intake and output of patients
    Certified Medical Assistant And Scribe And Trainer
    Fres Serio Physicians Management Oct 10 - Jan 13 · 2 yrs 3 mos
    * Transcribing the details of the physical exam * Maintaining an ongoing task list for the physician during the shift * Following up on lab reports * Preparing discharge instructions for the physician to review with the patient * Alerting and reminding physicians when lab results are available * Serving as a chaperone during procedures or examinations * Assisting in the clerical duties of patient care * A legitimate personal assistant, considered a extra set of eyes and ears. Ordering of all labs, imagine * Knowledgeable of Electronic Medical Record * Knowledgeable of Meditech * Scheduling appointments with outside specialty clinics
    Medical Assistant Instructor
    Protrain, Llc Feb 18 - Present · 7 yrs
    Raleigh, North Carolina, United States
    Certified Medical Assistant And Administrative Assistant And Trainer
    Unc Health Jul 14 - Jun 17 · 2 yrs 11 mos
    Morrisville, North Carolina, United States
    Assisting the physician in various tasks in patient care and office settings. Use of strong customer service and communication skills, the ability to multi-task, and desire to work with a variety of patients, providers, and staff. Responsibilities include patient care duties: rooming patients, vital signs and occasional front desk duties: check-in, check-out, telephone triage, appointment scheduling, payment collection, phlebotomy, training new employees and other clerical duties. Have accuracy and attention to detail with all procedures and communication with physician. Phone communication to patients and outside facilities. Scheduling appointments. Knowledge of various insurances and guidelines. Use of petty cash with the responsibility of money handling. Effective communication amongst management, co workers, and with outside facility. Handles call center calls with an average call answering of 80 per day.

Melissa Brown Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Melissa Brown

What company does Melissa Brown work for?

Melissa Brown works for Protrain, Llc

What is Melissa Brown's role in his/her workplace?

Melissa Brown's role in his/her workplace is Medical Assistant Instructor.

Which industry does Melissa Brown work in currently?

Melissa Brown works in the industry E-Learning.

What is Melissa Brown's email address?

Melissa Brown's email address is

What schools did Melissa Brown attend?

Melissa Brown attended Saint Leo University, Saint Leo University. Bellevue University, Bellevue University. and Pikes Peak Community College.

Who are Melissa Brown's colleagues?

Melissa Brown's colleagues are Kevin Smith, Kevin Smith, Scott Sutton, Scott Sutton, Erin Ward, Erin Ward, Lauren Williams, Lauren Williams, Linda Hughes, Linda Hughes, and Ilir Ymeri. and Stephanie Mason.

Who are Melissa Brown's peers at other companies?

Melissa Brown's peers at other companies are Omprakash Yadav, Daniel Nelle, Tamlyn Marimuthu, Torsor Kotee, Rohini Jadhav, and Justyna Baka. and Roger Smiley. Melissa Brown's peers at other companies are Omprakash Yadav, Daniel Nelle, Tamlyn Marimuthu, Torsor Kotee, Rohini Jadhav, and Justyna Baka. and Roger Smiley.