Melek Altas

Melek Altas Email and Phone Number

Swatch Brand Manager @ Eren Holding

Melek Altas's Contact Information

Melek Altas work email

Melek Altas personal email

Melek Altas's Current Company Details

Eren Holding

Swatch Brand Manager
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Swatch Brand Manager - Eren Holding

Melek Altas Work Experience

    Swatch Brand Manager
    Eren Holding Jan 13 - Present · 12 yrs
    Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey
    Raporlama Analiz Müdürü
    Eren Holding End date missing
    Ataşehir, Istanbul, Turkey

Melek Altas Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Melek Altas

What company does Melek Altas work for?

Melek Altas works for Eren Holding

What is Melek Altas's role in his/her workplace?

Melek Altas's role in his/her workplace is Swatch Brand Manager.

Which industry does Melek Altas work in currently?

Melek Altas works in the industry Alternative Dispute Resolution.

What is Melek Altas's email address?

Melek Altas's email address is

What schools did Melek Altas attend?

Melek Altas attended Yildiz Technical University, Yildiz Technical University. and Yildiz Technical University.

Who are Melek Altas's colleagues?

Melek Altas's colleagues are Mert Özyılmaz, Mert Özyılmaz, Yeşim Vural, Yeşim Vural, Serkan Karakus, Serkan Karakus, Hanin Dahamsheh, Hanin Dahamsheh, Yalcin Camoglu, Yalcin Camoglu, and Asena Arel. and Ezgi Göksu.

Who are Melek Altas's peers at other companies?

Melek Altas's peers at other companies are Cherylyn Smith, Mikail Destan, Murat Özer, Rajesh Singh, Renee Wilson, and Alexandra Davidovich. and Notes Demo. Melek Altas's peers at other companies are Cherylyn Smith, Mikail Destan, Murat Özer, Rajesh Singh, Renee Wilson, and Alexandra Davidovich. and Notes Demo.