Meggan Shields

Meggan Shields Email and Phone Number

Elementary School Teacher @ Perry Township Schools
indianapolis, indiana, united states

Meggan Shields's Contact Information

Meggan Shields's Current Company Details

Perry Township Schools

Elementary School Teacher
indianapolis, indiana, united states
Higher Education
Teacher for Perry Township Schools.

Meggan Shields Work Experience

    Substitute Teacher
    Elementary Middle And High School Aug 09 - May 16 · 6 yrs 9 mos
    Supervise diverse classrooms with students of different ability, background, and ethnicity. Work on classroom management and discipline, follow lesson plans, and assess learners.
    Permanent Substitute Math Teacher
    Perry Township Schools Jan 14 - Jun 15 · 1 yr 5 mos
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
    * Taught a diverse classroom of high school students in an alternative setting. * Facilitated activities that develop students’ physical, emotional and social growth. * Used positive reinforcement methods to redirect poor behavior. * Conducted small group and individual classroom activities with students based on differentiated learning needs. * Attended a variety of professional development workshops centered on learning goals, classroom management, student motivation and engaging learning activities.
    Elementary School Teacher
    Perry Township Schools Aug 16 - Present · 8 yrs 5 mos
    Indianapolis, Indiana, United States
    Teacher for the SOAR alternative program at the JWR building

Meggan Shields Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Meggan Shields

What company does Meggan Shields work for?

Meggan Shields works for Perry Township Schools

What is Meggan Shields's role in his/her workplace?

Meggan Shields's role in his/her workplace is Elementary School Teacher.

Which industry does Meggan Shields work in currently?

Meggan Shields works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Meggan Shields's email address?

Meggan Shields's email address is

What is Meggan Shields's direct phone number?

Meggan Shields's direct phone number is +13178872207

What schools did Meggan Shields attend?

Meggan Shields attended Indiana University–purdue University Indianapolis, Indiana University–purdue University Indianapolis. and Indiana University–purdue University Indianapolis.

What are some of Meggan Shields's interests?

Meggan Shields has interests in Kids, Kids. Electronics, Electronics. Home Improvement, Home Improvement. Crafts, Crafts. and Home Decoration.

What is Meggan Shields's role in his workplace?

Meggan Shields has skills like Teaching, Elementary Education, Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Microsoft Word, and Mathematics.

Who are Meggan Shields's colleagues?

Meggan Shields's colleagues are Karl Kraus, Karl Kraus, Doug Smith, Doug Smith, Natalie Sayers-Pettit, Natalie Sayers-Pettit, Denise Wade, Denise Wade, Jim Preddy, Jim Preddy, and Robert King. and Edward Fokken.

Who are Meggan Shields's peers at other companies?

Meggan Shields's peers at other companies are Demitrice Whaley, Faizah Fairooz, Kelly Aguirre, Eric Porras, Rhinehart Alycia, and Johandry Córdova. and Muzaffer Erdoğan. Meggan Shields's peers at other companies are Demitrice Whaley, Faizah Fairooz, Kelly Aguirre, Eric Porras, Rhinehart Alycia, and Johandry Córdova. and Muzaffer Erdoğan.