Megan Mcfarlane

Megan Mcfarlane Email and Phone Number

Pharmacy Assistant Manager @ Boots Uk
nottingham, nottingham, united kingdom

Megan Mcfarlane's Current Company Details

Boots Uk

Pharmacy Assistant Manager
nottingham, nottingham, united kingdom

Megan Mcfarlane Work Experience

    Pharmacy Assistant Manager
    Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Megan Mcfarlane

What company does Megan Mcfarlane work for?

Megan Mcfarlane works for Boots Uk

What is Megan Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace?

Megan Mcfarlane's role in his/her workplace is Pharmacy Assistant Manager.

Which industry does Megan Mcfarlane work in currently?

Megan Mcfarlane works in the industry Retail.

Who are Megan Mcfarlane's colleagues?

Megan Mcfarlane's colleagues are Lynda Waggott, Lynda Waggott, Ashanti Smith, Ashanti Smith, Gregor Taylor, Gregor Taylor, Rebekah Bailey, Rebekah Bailey, Alaina Moule, Alaina Moule, and Naomi Clark. and Lyndsey James.

Who are Megan Mcfarlane's peers at other companies?

Megan Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Narinha Nara, Victoria Taylor, Mohamed Suhail, Tamara Crowe, Edilzar Alvarado, and Samantha Brockwell. and Marsha James. Megan Mcfarlane's peers at other companies are Narinha Nara, Victoria Taylor, Mohamed Suhail, Tamara Crowe, Edilzar Alvarado, and Samantha Brockwell. and Marsha James.