Marie-eve Morin

Marie-eve Morin Email and Phone Number

ottawa, ontario, canada

Marie-eve Morin's Current Company Details

Canadian Food Inspection Agency

ottawa, ontario, canada
Government Administration

Marie-eve Morin Work Experience

Marie-eve Morin Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marie-eve Morin

What company does Marie-eve Morin work for?

Marie-eve Morin works for Canadian Food Inspection Agency

What is Marie-eve Morin's role in his/her workplace?

Marie-eve Morin's role in his/her workplace is Vétérinaire.

Which industry does Marie-eve Morin work in currently?

Marie-eve Morin works in the industry Government Administration.

What schools did Marie-eve Morin attend?

Marie-eve Morin attended Université De Montréal, Université De Montréal. Université De Montréal, Université De Montréal. and Université De Montréal.

What is Marie-eve Morin's role in his workplace?

Marie-eve Morin has skills like Maladies Infectieuses, Zoonoses, Haccp, Surveillance, Coordination De Programmes, and Gestion De Projet.

Who are Marie-eve Morin's colleagues?

Marie-eve Morin's colleagues are Michelle Greenshields, Michelle Greenshields, Adam Giles, Adam Giles, Dara Milos, Dara Milos, John Ramsay, John Ramsay, Jay Hong, Jay Hong, and Natalie Julien. and Laura-Lea Madsen.

Who are Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies?

Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies are Gilles Garrouste, Ralph Obert, Lydia Sparla, Dick Banowetz, Belinda Tricker, and Charles Taylor. and Beatriz Craviotto. Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies are Gilles Garrouste, Ralph Obert, Lydia Sparla, Dick Banowetz, Belinda Tricker, and Charles Taylor. and Beatriz Craviotto.