Mauricio Cardenas

Mauricio Cardenas Email and Phone Number

Presidente General @ Apple
cupertino, california, united states

Mauricio Cardenas's Current Company Details


Presidente General
cupertino, california, united states
Consumer Electronics

Mauricio Cardenas Work Experience

    Limones El Oriente Jan 14 - Dec 14 · 11 mos
    Presidente General
    Apple Jan 79 - Present · 46 yrs 1 mo
    Cupertino, California, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mauricio Cardenas

What company does Mauricio Cardenas work for?

Mauricio Cardenas works for Apple

What is Mauricio Cardenas's role in his/her workplace?

Mauricio Cardenas's role in his/her workplace is Presidente General.

Which industry does Mauricio Cardenas work in currently?

Mauricio Cardenas works in the industry Consumer Electronics.

Who are Mauricio Cardenas's colleagues?

Mauricio Cardenas's colleagues are Mathieu Martin, Mathieu Martin, Zeinab Rajabi, Zeinab Rajabi, Fábrica De Luz, Fábrica De Luz, Satish Muthali, Satish Muthali, Joanne Yun, Joanne Yun, and Kelsey Cameron. and Neven Manjencic.

Who are Mauricio Cardenas's peers at other companies?

Mauricio Cardenas's peers at other companies are Jesus Vila, Allen Delong, Bella Sitinee, Scott Sturcke, Sorin Morar, and Gal Taieb. and Racom Master. Mauricio Cardenas's peers at other companies are Jesus Vila, Allen Delong, Bella Sitinee, Scott Sturcke, Sorin Morar, and Gal Taieb. and Racom Master.