Maureen Mccusker

Maureen Mccusker Email and Phone Number

Registered Nurse @ Hom Entertainment

Maureen Mccusker's Contact Information

Maureen Mccusker work email

Maureen Mccusker's Current Company Details

Hom Entertainment

Registered Nurse

Maureen Mccusker Work Experience

    Registered Nurse
    Sales/Commercial ConsultingIn general my field of expertise:- Sales (management) in FMCG and Entertainment business- Support (sales) people in their performance- Set targets and keeps overview on them- Let your business growBecause these skills are best practised in combination, I am good at retail-& entertainment business, sales and management - CROSSMEDIA CONSULTANCY- SALES OUTSOURING- SALES DETACERING- PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE DEVELOPMENT

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Frequently Asked Questions about Maureen Mccusker

What company does Maureen Mccusker work for?

Maureen Mccusker works for Hom Entertainment

What is Maureen Mccusker's role in his/her workplace?

Maureen Mccusker's role in his/her workplace is Registered Nurse.

Which industry does Maureen Mccusker work in currently?

Maureen Mccusker works in the industry Entertainment.

What is Maureen Mccusker's email address?

Maureen Mccusker's email address is

Who are Maureen Mccusker's colleagues?

Maureen Mccusker's colleagues are Patty Smith, Patty Smith, Susan Elsey, Susan Elsey, Mike Simpson, Mike Simpson, Chantey Mceaddy, Chantey Mceaddy, Rebecca Aikey, Rebecca Aikey, and Dj Smith. and Anitha Varghese.

Who are Maureen Mccusker's peers at other companies?

Maureen Mccusker's peers at other companies are Julia Lotiquet, Tommie Turvey, Angel Corona, Eve G, Clara Leite, and Stuart Taylor. and Thiago De Araujo. Maureen Mccusker's peers at other companies are Julia Lotiquet, Tommie Turvey, Angel Corona, Eve G, Clara Leite, and Stuart Taylor. and Thiago De Araujo.