Matteo Viscoti

Matteo Viscoti Email and Phone Number

Phd Candidate @ Università Del Salento

Matteo Viscoti's Current Company Details

Università Del Salento

Phd Candidate
Higher Education
Civil Engineer. Experienced in structural analysis of shell structures and innovative materials.

Matteo Viscoti Work Experience

Matteo Viscoti Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Matteo Viscoti

What company does Matteo Viscoti work for?

Matteo Viscoti works for Università Del Salento

What is Matteo Viscoti's role in his/her workplace?

Matteo Viscoti's role in his/her workplace is Phd Candidate.

Which industry does Matteo Viscoti work in currently?

Matteo Viscoti works in the industry Higher Education.

What schools did Matteo Viscoti attend?

Matteo Viscoti attended Liceo Scientifico, Liceo Scientifico. School Of Advanced Studies Isufi, School Of Advanced Studies Isufi. Liceo Scientifico Vanini Casarano, Liceo Scientifico Vanini Casarano. School Of Advanced Studies Isufi, School Of Advanced Studies Isufi. and School Of Advanced Studies Isufi.

Who are Matteo Viscoti's colleagues?

Matteo Viscoti's colleagues are Guglielmo Corallo, Guglielmo Corallo, Dario Rollo, Dario Rollo, Antonella Di Laura, Antonella Di Laura, Stefania Pinnelli, Stefania Pinnelli, Silvia Solidoro, Silvia Solidoro, and Eugenio Cascione. and Roberto Cirillo.

Who are Matteo Viscoti's peers at other companies?

Matteo Viscoti's peers at other companies are Collin Just, Caitlin Depalma, Eugene Cheung, Caroline Le Poole, Esra Mk, and Denice Martin. and Milan Ghimire. Matteo Viscoti's peers at other companies are Collin Just, Caitlin Depalma, Eugene Cheung, Caroline Le Poole, Esra Mk, and Denice Martin. and Milan Ghimire.