Matt Scott

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Matt Scott's Current Company Details

Ppg Industries

Specialties: Electrodeposition Coatings, Zinc Rich coatings

Matt Scott Work Experience

    Senior Development Associate
    Ppg Industries Mar 82 - Mar 18 · 36 yrs
    Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States
    From pretreatment products to colorful topcoats, PPG is the only industrial coatings supplier that delivers solutions for every step of the production process. Whether you make heavy-duty equipment, hardwood floors, metal roofing panels or golf balls, PPG offers products backed by a level of expertise and technical services achieved through a century of experience in the coatings industry.Every day, in plants and laboratories around the world, PPG product managers and technical specialists work with OEMs and coatings applicators to ensure that our coatings apply easily and meet or exceed all performance requirements. From product application and laboratory testing through process design and operational troubleshooting, PPG helps you make the most of your coatings investment.

Matt Scott Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Matt Scott

What company does Matt Scott work for?

Matt Scott works for Ppg Industries

Which industry does Matt Scott work in currently?

Matt Scott works in the industry Accounting.

What is Matt Scott's email address?

Matt Scott's email address is

What schools did Matt Scott attend?

Matt Scott attended Mt. Lebanon High School, Mt. Lebanon High School. Tulane University, Tulane University. and Carnegie Mellon University.

What are some of Matt Scott's interests?

Matt Scott has interests in Traditional Shotokan Karate.

Who are Matt Scott's colleagues?

Matt Scott's colleagues are Susan Luf, Susan Luf, Roseanne Conroy, Roseanne Conroy, Irving S, Irving S, Gabriela Godinho, Gabriela Godinho, Tina Rosselli, Tina Rosselli, and Linda Anderson. and Bob Brown.

Who are Matt Scott's peers at other companies?

Matt Scott's peers at other companies are Nallil Mejía, Mitesh Modi, Blair Motl, Holly Belanger, Kássia Ferreira, and Sumit Patil. and Kimberly Hollencamp. Matt Scott's peers at other companies are Nallil Mejía, Mitesh Modi, Blair Motl, Holly Belanger, Kássia Ferreira, and Sumit Patil. and Kimberly Hollencamp.