Masruba Tasnim

Masruba Tasnim Email and Phone Number

Software Engineer @ Meta
aberdeen, aberdeenshire, united kingdom

Masruba Tasnim's Contact Information

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Masruba Tasnim phone numbers

Masruba Tasnim's Current Company Details


Software Engineer
aberdeen, aberdeenshire, united kingdom
Oil & Energy
Specialties: Good understanding of Data Structures and Algorithms, Database Management Systems, Object Oriented Design. Technical Skills: Languages: C/C++, Java, Assembly, Python, R, Shell Programming Big Data stores and tools: Hadoop, MapReduce Databases: Oracle, SQLite Tools & Simulators: NS-2, PSpice, Verilog, Nachos, Simple Scalar, Matlab API: OpenGL

Masruba Tasnim Work Experience

    Software Engineer
    Braintree Mar 17 - Apr 17 · 1 mo
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Software Engineer
    Meta Apr 17 - Present · 7 yrs 9 mos
    Menlo Park, California, United States
    Graduate Student Fellow, Graduate Student Researcher And Teaching Assistant
    Riverside, California, United States
    Dean's Distinguished Fellowship
    Data Analyst Cm
    Udacity Jul 15 - 2016 · 6 mos
    Mountain View, California, United States
    * Worked with the Data Analyst Nanodegree team. * Reviewed and improved the course contents of the Data Analyst Nanodegree Program. Facilitated learning for students in the Data Analyst program. Taught a variety of Data Science Courses including Intro to Data Analysis, Data Wrangling with MongoDB and SQL, Data Analysis with R, Intro to Machine Learning, Data Visualization and D3.js, A/B Testing etc. * Trained Udacity Code Reviewers to provide actionable and constructive feedbacks to the students for their project submissions. * Built internal tools to improve the learning experience for students around the world. * Languages Used: Python, R, SQL, Hadoop, JavaScript etc.

Masruba Tasnim Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Masruba Tasnim

What company does Masruba Tasnim work for?

Masruba Tasnim works for Meta

What is Masruba Tasnim's role in his/her workplace?

Masruba Tasnim's role in his/her workplace is Software Engineer.

Which industry does Masruba Tasnim work in currently?

Masruba Tasnim works in the industry Oil & Energy.

What is Masruba Tasnim's email address?

Masruba Tasnim's email address is

What is Masruba Tasnim's direct phone number?

Masruba Tasnim's direct phone number is +16504403826

What schools did Masruba Tasnim attend?

Masruba Tasnim attended Qamrunnessa Govt. Girls High School, Tikatuly, Dhaka, Qamrunnessa Govt. Girls High School, Tikatuly, Dhaka. Viqarunnisa Noon College, Viqarunnisa Noon College. University Of California, Riverside, University Of California, Riverside. and Bangladesh University Of Engineering And Technology.

What are some of Masruba Tasnim's interests?

Masruba Tasnim has interests in Mathematics, Mathematics. Programming, Programming. Computer Science, Computer Science. Computer Games, Computer Games. and Reading Novels.

Who are Masruba Tasnim's colleagues?

Masruba Tasnim's colleagues are Anjum Kakar, Anjum Kakar, Jiemin Zhang, Jiemin Zhang, Anna Calvo, Anna Calvo, Mingdi Ye, Mingdi Ye, Brian Vu, Brian Vu, and Christopher Mlynarski. and Bria Wesley.

Who are Masruba Tasnim's peers at other companies?

Masruba Tasnim's peers at other companies are Pramod Konanur, Ivan Vorel, Prafulla Gulhane, Juliana Pavan, Paul Patenaude, and Chad Applin. and Josh Susmarski. Masruba Tasnim's peers at other companies are Pramod Konanur, Ivan Vorel, Prafulla Gulhane, Juliana Pavan, Paul Patenaude, and Chad Applin. and Josh Susmarski.