Mary Sommer

Mary Sommer Email and Phone Number

Senior Principal It Consultant @ Serene Corporation
naperville, illinois, united states

Mary Sommer's Contact Information

Mary Sommer personal email

Mary Sommer phone numbers

Mary Sommer's Current Company Details

Serene Corporation

Senior Principal It Consultant
naperville, illinois, united states
Information Technology And Services

Mary Sommer Work Experience

    Consultant - Enterprise Architect And Data Architect
    Idaho State Department Of Transportation 2006 - 2006 ·
    Solution Architect And Information Architect
    Supervalu 2007 - 2012 · 5 yrs
    Eden Prairie, Minnesota, United States
    Consultant - Information Architect
    American Express 1988 - 1988 ·
    New York, New York, United States
    Performed a quality assurance review on the American Express Development Life Cycle methodology and data management standards, guidelines, and procedures developed in-house. Made enhancements to procedures relating to data analysis, data model management, and data governance.
    Consultant - Information Architect
    Westpac 1988 - 1988 ·
    Performed data analysis and developed data models for Westpac. Analyzed data requirements for several banking applications including Interest Rate Products Management, Capital Adequacy, and automated Commitment Reporting. As a result of this effort Westpac was able to fast track the development of their Interest Rate Products group, implement a management information system to monitor geographic and product profitability, and upgrade their Commercial Loan Monitoring System.
    Consultant - Information Architect
    Kidder Reports 1982 - 1983 · 1 yr
    Worked on the design of an online interactive government bond brokerage system utilizing information engineering techniques, including data analysis and data modeling.
    Project Leader And Data Architect
    American Express 1981 - 1982 · 1 yr
    New York, New York, United States
    Directed programmer analysts and managed the development of a large-scale Traveler's Cheque Payment Processing System. Supervised and participated in the conceptual design of the system and database. Interacted with user management, database administration, quality assurance, and other teams in order to coordinate all aspects of system design, development, and implementation.
    Consultant - Information Architect
    Albertsons 2005 - 2006 · 1 yr
    Boise, Idaho, United States
    Led development of Albertson's Promotional Subject Area Information Model, which became part of the company's overall enterprise architecture model. During sessions with business users and technical personnel analyzed requirements relating to the business of promoting Albertson's products. Created conceptual and logical models depicting information requirements. Created sourcing blueprints which graphically depict where Promotion data originates within the company. Performed metadata mapping of attributes from the Promotion Logical Data Model to fields/columns within existing files/databases. Interfaced with Albertson's Data Warehouse team to ensure key Promotion information would be loaded into their data warehouse. Consulted to various system support teams to identify and resolve data issues arising from erroneous or incomplete data structures in existing databases. Mentored and provided instruction to less experienced Information Architects. Provided input to Albertson's management relating to the charter/objectives and workings of the Information Architecture group.
    Consultant - Solution Architect And Information Architect
    Merrill Lynch 1990 - 1991 · 1 yr
    New York, New York, United States
    Developed a five-day System Development methodology course based on best practices and customized to Merrill Lynch's information technology model. The course included detailed instruction on process analysis and data analysis and modeling. As a result of this effort Merrill Lynch's training costs were significantly reduced and students were able to understand and apply system development principles better than ever before. The course covered over 300 topics.
    Consultant - Data Architect
    Princeton, New Jersey, United States
    Redeveloped ETS's software engineering methodology, incorporating data analysis and data modeling principles and techniques. Recommended ways in which the client's system development team could be reorganized to make the most effective use of their data oriented system development methodology.
    Consultant - Information Architect
    Manufacturers Hanover Trust 1984 - 1987 · 3 yrs
    United States
    Designed and modeled a variety of large-scale relational financial databases. Most notably, designed the database for a very large-scale financial information system incorporating Balance Sheet Accounting, Income and Expense Accounting, Sources and Used of Funds, Journal Processing, and FED Reporting. Provided training in database concepts, data analysis, data modeling, and data administration for technical personnel at all levels of the organization.
    Data Warehouse Architect And Data Warehouse Administrator
    Idaho Power 2000 - 2003 · 3 yrs
    Boise, Idaho, United States
    Led design, development, and successful implementation of Idaho Power's Data Warehouse. Performed data gathering and analysis, creating the Data Warehouse data model and design. This Data Warehouse design was documented using ERWin, and included detailed information about entities, attributes, relationships, primary/foreign keys, and transforms. Interfaced with DB2 DBA's on DW physical table implementation. Mentored members of the DW team in data modeling, database design, and use of the ERWin tool. Show less
    Consultant - Data Architect
    Cms Uk Ltd 1994 - 1994 ·
    Luton, United Kingdom
    As Data Architect for this mortgage lender's process re-engineering project, analyzed existing business processes and data. Developed data models and new best practice work processes that enabled Countrywide to compete more effectively with other mortgage lenders.
    Technical Design Specialist And Data Architect
    Kaiser Permanente 1993 - 1994 · 1 yr
    Oakland, California, United States
    Led a system development project for this major Health Maintenance Organization (HMO), the goal of which was to make all patient medical information easily accessible for the purpose of predicting outcomes based on select criteria. Facilitated analysis and modeling sessions (JAD), focusing on data and process. These sessions included doctors, other medical pratitioners, medical administrators, and IT professionals. Created logical data models and architected a medical database to support the prediction of medical outcomes. Show less
    Consultant - Enterprise Architect And Information Architect
    Chase 1991 - 1992 · 1 yr
    New York, New York, United States
    As Enterprise Architect, developed an information strategy plan supporting the Global Services Division of Chase. Analyzed, defined, and modeled high level data and processes required to support the business. Deliverables from this planning project helped Chase understand their data and business processes in relation to the application development efforts that were underway at the time, and enabled them to re-prioritize as needed. As Information Architect, performed data identification, data classification, data analysis, and developed data models for a significant Global Custody Application. The data analysis and data models provided a rigorous and detailed framework for evaluating the data and process implications of alternative Global Custody package-based solutions. Show less
    Consultant - Enterprise Architect And Information Architect
    Mobil Oil 1988 - 1990 · 2 yrs
    Developed and participated in implementation of Mobil Oil's integrated Financial Information System architecture, which served as the foundation for all financial analysis and reporting systems at the organization. Developed an information strategy planning business model which included logical database design quality assurance reviews on content and technique. Defined the departmental Data Administration function at Mobil Oil. Organized and defined the objectives, roles, standards, guidelines, and procedures for this function. Participated in the development of Mobil Oil's global data architecture. This global model represented the enterprise logical structure of all data required by Mobil Oil to conduct business. Show less
    Business Intelligence Manager
    Idaho Power 2003 - 2005 · 2 yrs
    Boise, Idaho, United States
    Consultant - Enterprise Architect And Data Architect
    Transamerica 1992 - 1992 ·
    Baltimore, Maryland, United States
    Conducted a technology architecture project involving several major divisions to Transamerica. Facilitated joint application development (JAD) sessions to identify and prioritize current and future applications for each division. Produced a document describing and ranking the importance of each application system. This document served as a guide to future system development within Transamerica. Acted as data architect during the development of a major Reinsurance application system. Conducted JAD sessions, performed data analysis, and designed relational data models in support of Transamerica's business requirements. Studied current systems to ensure completeness and correctness of the Reinsurance database design. Conducted quality assurance reviews on data models developed by data analysts in other divisions of Transamerica.
    Senior Principal It Consultant
    Serene Corporation 2012 - Present · 13 yrs
    Naperville, Illinois, United States
    Serene Corporation is a Systems Integration company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. Serene serves a wide range of clients across industries such as communications, IT, media, pharmaceuticals, and financial services.Serene's primary differentiator is the quality and expertise of the personnel it hires and makes available to its clients. Serene has been successful in hiring and retaining the best talent in the industry. Our consultants have played key leadership roles on several projects and have the domain and technical expertise needed to make our clients successful.

Mary Sommer Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mary Sommer

What company does Mary Sommer work for?

Mary Sommer works for Serene Corporation

What is Mary Sommer's role in his/her workplace?

Mary Sommer's role in his/her workplace is Senior Principal It Consultant.

Which industry does Mary Sommer work in currently?

Mary Sommer works in the industry Information Technology And Services.

What is Mary Sommer's email address?

Mary Sommer's email address is

What is Mary Sommer's direct phone number?

Mary Sommer's direct phone number is +18019613213

What schools did Mary Sommer attend?

Mary Sommer attended Brigham Young University, Brigham Young University. University Of Nebraska At Omaha, University Of Nebraska At Omaha. and Creighton University.

Who are Mary Sommer's colleagues?

Mary Sommer's colleagues are Rashmi Awasthi, Rashmi Awasthi, Narendra Ellanti, Narendra Ellanti, Asrar Husain, Asrar Husain, Atul Chauhan, Atul Chauhan, Mahesh Pawar, Mahesh Pawar, and Nagesh Reddy. and Naresh Akula.

Who are Mary Sommer's peers at other companies?

Mary Sommer's peers at other companies are Snehal Patil, Joanne Chung, Sandro Shoji, Björkvall Yngve, Olivia Hutt, and Kristian Petersen. and Dinesh Nt. Mary Sommer's peers at other companies are Snehal Patil, Joanne Chung, Sandro Shoji, Björkvall Yngve, Olivia Hutt, and Kristian Petersen. and Dinesh Nt.