Mark Dadashi

Mark Dadashi Email and Phone Number

Presiden @ Instituto Sase

Mark Dadashi's Current Company Details

Instituto Sase

Non-Profit Organization Management

Mark Dadashi Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mark Dadashi

What company does Mark Dadashi work for?

Mark Dadashi works for Instituto Sase

What is Mark Dadashi's role in his/her workplace?

Mark Dadashi's role in his/her workplace is Presiden.

Which industry does Mark Dadashi work in currently?

Mark Dadashi works in the industry Non-Profit Organization Management.

Who are Mark Dadashi's colleagues?

Mark Dadashi's colleagues are Marilza Barros, Marilza Barros, Marcos Freitas, Marcos Freitas, Ana Fonseca, Ana Fonseca, Vinay Chaudhary, Vinay Chaudhary, Ana Medeiros, Ana Medeiros, and Zalazar Gaston. and Salah Mohammed.

Who are Mark Dadashi's peers at other companies?

Mark Dadashi's peers at other companies are Mpho Moopelwa, Vicelle Govender, Eve Potts, Claudia Jaramillo, Adrian Brown, and Tia Cecy. and Mónica Fabiola. Mark Dadashi's peers at other companies are Mpho Moopelwa, Vicelle Govender, Eve Potts, Claudia Jaramillo, Adrian Brown, and Tia Cecy. and Mónica Fabiola.