Marjohn Villarazo

Marjohn Villarazo Email and Phone Number

moorabbin, victoria, australia

Marjohn Villarazo's Contact Details

Marjohn Villarazo work email

Marjohn Villarazo personal email


Marjohn Villarazo's Current Company Details

Procaffe (Australasia) Pty Ltd

moorabbin, victoria, australia
Facilities Services

Marjohn Villarazo Work Experience

    Coffee Machine Technician
    Procaffe (Australasia) Pty Ltd Apr 15 - Jul 16 · 1 yr 3 mos
    Moorabbin, Victoria, Australia
    Head Of Technical Support For Coffee Machine Installations And Repairs
    Room Service Deliveries Feb 07 - Feb 15 · 8 yrs
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    * Head of technical support for coffee machine installation, assembly, repair and maintenance. * Primarily responsible in changing and upgrading hardware and software for traditional and super automatic coffee machines. * Entrusted to extend training and orientation to new technicians regarding installation troubleshooting, maintenance and repair of coffee machines. * Had been a primary delegate for enhancement training program in Italy on traditional and super automatic coffee machine’s software development, trouble shooting and repairs since 2009. * In charge on site visitation, inventory and spare parts orders. * Deals with contractors/subcontractors on planning and design of the proposed project and * ongoing project of the company.

Marjohn Villarazo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marjohn Villarazo

What company does Marjohn Villarazo work for?

Marjohn Villarazo works for Procaffe (Australasia) Pty Ltd

What is Marjohn Villarazo's role in his/her workplace?

Marjohn Villarazo's role in his/her workplace is Technician.

Which industry does Marjohn Villarazo work in currently?

Marjohn Villarazo works in the industry Facilities Services.

What is Marjohn Villarazo's email address?

Marjohn Villarazo's email address is

What schools did Marjohn Villarazo attend?

Marjohn Villarazo attended Patts College Of Aeronautics.

What are some of Marjohn Villarazo's interests?

Marjohn Villarazo has interests in Coffee, Coffee. Electronics, Electronics. Audio Amplifiers( Diy), Audio Amplifiers( Diy). Coffee Machines, Coffee Machines. Basketball, Basketball. Remote Control Airplanes And Helicopters, Remote Control Airplanes And Helicopters. Digital Photography, Digital Photography. and Personal Computers Assembly And Repairs.

Who are Marjohn Villarazo's colleagues?

Marjohn Villarazo's colleagues are Les Mataafa, Les Mataafa, and Albert Llunji. and Joshua Gates.

Who are Marjohn Villarazo's peers at other companies?

Marjohn Villarazo's peers at other companies are Matthew Halvorson, Sabrina Ahmed, Fernando Oliveira, John Jernigan, Keith Conrad, and Delmer Traylor. and Nicola Heal. Marjohn Villarazo's peers at other companies are Matthew Halvorson, Sabrina Ahmed, Fernando Oliveira, John Jernigan, Keith Conrad, and Delmer Traylor. and Nicola Heal.