Marion Bush

Marion Bush Email and Phone Number

Technical Director @ Miramar Resources Ltd
south perth, western australia, australia

Marion Bush's Contact Information

Marion Bush personal email


Marion Bush's Current Company Details

Miramar Resources Ltd

Technical Director
south perth, western australia, australia
Mining & Metals
Recently relocated from London to Perth, Australia and actively seeking opportunities in the Mining & Resources Industry.Adaptable and articulate professional with demonstrated quantitative skills in a variety of corporate environments - most recently the mining and metals industry. Educated to masters level with an MSc (Mining Finance), which enables me to contribute at a high level across industries. Skilled in Project & People Management, Financial Modelling, Analysis and Marketing, with 4 years of Board experience. Keen to apply my diverse skills and experience to the identification and development of high growth opportunities in the resources sector, along with broader business enhancement.

Marion Bush Work Experience

Marion Bush Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marion Bush

What company does Marion Bush work for?

Marion Bush works for Miramar Resources Ltd

What is Marion Bush's role in his/her workplace?

Marion Bush's role in his/her workplace is Technical Director.

Which industry does Marion Bush work in currently?

Marion Bush works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What is Marion Bush's email address?

Marion Bush's email address is

What schools did Marion Bush attend?

Marion Bush attended Curtin University, Curtin University. Curtin University, Curtin University. and Dyson School Of Design Engineering.

Who are Marion Bush's colleagues?

Marion Bush's colleagues are

Who are Marion Bush's peers at other companies?

Marion Bush's peers at other companies are Alex Kaderi, Cristiane Moura, Luke Olson, Katrina James, Jose Morales, and Andrew Wright. and Nugroho Pangestu. Marion Bush's peers at other companies are Alex Kaderi, Cristiane Moura, Luke Olson, Katrina James, Jose Morales, and Andrew Wright. and Nugroho Pangestu.