Marie-eve Morin

Marie-eve Morin Email and Phone Number

Conseillère Pédagogique And Pedagogical Counsellor @ Cégep Marie-victorin
montréal, quebec, canada

Marie-eve Morin's Contact Information

Marie-eve Morin work email

Marie-eve Morin personal email

Marie-eve Morin's Current Company Details

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Conseillère Pédagogique And Pedagogical Counsellor
montréal, quebec, canada
Higher Education

Marie-eve Morin Work Experience

Marie-eve Morin Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marie-eve Morin

What company does Marie-eve Morin work for?

Marie-eve Morin works for Cégep Marie-Victorin

What is Marie-eve Morin's role in his/her workplace?

Marie-eve Morin's role in his/her workplace is Conseillère Pédagogique And Pedagogical Counsellor.

Which industry does Marie-eve Morin work in currently?

Marie-eve Morin works in the industry Higher Education.

What is Marie-eve Morin's email address?

Marie-eve Morin's email address is

What schools did Marie-eve Morin attend?

Marie-eve Morin attended Université De Sherbrooke, Université De Sherbrooke. Université De Montréal, Université De Montréal. and Université De Sherbrooke.

Who are Marie-eve Morin's colleagues?

Marie-eve Morin's colleagues are Melissa Dyotte, Melissa Dyotte, Johanna Ortega, Johanna Ortega, Chantal Perron, Chantal Perron, Guillaume Labelle, Guillaume Labelle, Veronique Bernard, Veronique Bernard, and Michèle Sirois. and Lachance Pierre.

Who are Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies?

Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies are Faizah Fairooz, Hal Weitzman, Demitrice Whaley, Muzaffer Erdoğan, John Venturini, and Johandry Córdova. and Eric Porras. Marie-eve Morin's peers at other companies are Faizah Fairooz, Hal Weitzman, Demitrice Whaley, Muzaffer Erdoğan, John Venturini, and Johandry Córdova. and Eric Porras.