Marian Mirescu

Marian Mirescu Email and Phone Number

Cibernetica @ B/e Aerospace
cedar rapids, iowa, united states

Marian Mirescu's Current Company Details

B/E Aerospace

cedar rapids, iowa, united states
Aviation & Aerospace

Marian Mirescu Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marian Mirescu

What company does Marian Mirescu work for?

Marian Mirescu works for B/e Aerospace

What is Marian Mirescu's role in his/her workplace?

Marian Mirescu's role in his/her workplace is Cibernetica.

Which industry does Marian Mirescu work in currently?

Marian Mirescu works in the industry Aviation & Aerospace.

Who are Marian Mirescu's colleagues?

Marian Mirescu's colleagues are James Coltman, James Coltman, Eva Esposito, Eva Esposito, Ariel Mamino, Ariel Mamino, Karola Maldonado, Karola Maldonado, Carlo Bmg, Carlo Bmg, and Jonathan Sutton. and Randall Mulholland.

Who are Marian Mirescu's peers at other companies?

Marian Mirescu's peers at other companies are Dan Heric, Ruchard Adams, Brenda Dubia, Miles Catalan, Millicent Henga, and Linzi Dair. and Stefano Nicolucci. Marian Mirescu's peers at other companies are Dan Heric, Ruchard Adams, Brenda Dubia, Miles Catalan, Millicent Henga, and Linzi Dair. and Stefano Nicolucci.