Maria Bustamante

Maria Bustamante Email and Phone Number

Chef Comercial @ Grupo Bimbo
mexico, distrito federal, mexico

Maria Bustamante's Current Company Details

Grupo Bimbo

Chef Comercial
mexico, distrito federal, mexico
Consumer Goods

Maria Bustamante Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Maria Bustamante

What company does Maria Bustamante work for?

Maria Bustamante works for Grupo Bimbo

What is Maria Bustamante's role in his/her workplace?

Maria Bustamante's role in his/her workplace is Chef Comercial.

Which industry does Maria Bustamante work in currently?

Maria Bustamante works in the industry Consumer Goods.

Who are Maria Bustamante's colleagues?

Maria Bustamante's colleagues are Juan Soto, Juan Soto, Esteban Mendoza, Esteban Mendoza, Ariel Maradona, Ariel Maradona, Diego Sepulveda, Diego Sepulveda, Manoj Bangar, Manoj Bangar, and Carlos Beracasa. and Cleber Alves.

Who are Maria Bustamante's peers at other companies?

Maria Bustamante's peers at other companies are Vinay Rajput, Sandra Acossta, Tania Paul, Norman Syah, Abigail Sovran, and Abhaypratap Singh. and Kyen Lau. Maria Bustamante's peers at other companies are Vinay Rajput, Sandra Acossta, Tania Paul, Norman Syah, Abigail Sovran, and Abhaypratap Singh. and Kyen Lau.