Mari Koikka

Mari Koikka Email and Phone Number

Sales Person @ Carlings As

Mari Koikka's Current Company Details

Carlings As

Sales Person
Sales person at Carlings

Mari Koikka Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Mari Koikka

What company does Mari Koikka work for?

Mari Koikka works for Carlings As

What is Mari Koikka's role in his/her workplace?

Mari Koikka's role in his/her workplace is Sales Person.

Which industry does Mari Koikka work in currently?

Mari Koikka works in the industry Retail.

Who are Mari Koikka's colleagues?

Mari Koikka's colleagues are Zahra Wali, Zahra Wali, Stina Børufsen, Stina Børufsen, William Marklund, William Marklund, Helene Roll, Helene Roll, Herman Gustafsson, Herman Gustafsson, and Ann Jonassen. and Cordelia Eresjö.

Who are Mari Koikka's peers at other companies?

Mari Koikka's peers at other companies are Martha Mahan-Porta, David Wyatt, Trevor Barcomb, Jorge Camacho, Samantha Vaughan, and Jesse Garson. and Nicole Anderson. Mari Koikka's peers at other companies are Martha Mahan-Porta, David Wyatt, Trevor Barcomb, Jorge Camacho, Samantha Vaughan, and Jesse Garson. and Nicole Anderson.