Marcio Traspadini

Marcio Traspadini Email and Phone Number

Supervisor De Seguranã A @ Marbrasa - Mármores E Granitos Do Brasil

Marcio Traspadini's Current Company Details

Marbrasa - Mármores E Granitos Do Brasil

Supervisor De Seguranã A
Mining & Metals

Marcio Traspadini Work Experience

Marcio Traspadini Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Marcio Traspadini

What company does Marcio Traspadini work for?

Marcio Traspadini works for Marbrasa - Mármores E Granitos Do Brasil

What is Marcio Traspadini's role in his/her workplace?

Marcio Traspadini's role in his/her workplace is Supervisor De Seguranã A.

Which industry does Marcio Traspadini work in currently?

Marcio Traspadini works in the industry Mining & Metals.

What schools did Marcio Traspadini attend?

Marcio Traspadini attended Universidade Vila Velha - Uvv, Universidade Vila Velha - Uvv. and Faculdade Estácio De Sá De Vitória.

What is Marcio Traspadini's role in his workplace?

Marcio Traspadini has skills like Intrutor Credenciado Pela Policia Federal, Microsoft Office, Sistemas Operacionais, Microsoft Excel, Security, Intrutor Credenciado, Direito Penal, and Microsoft Powerpoint.

Who are Marcio Traspadini's colleagues?

Marcio Traspadini's colleagues are Diorge Lima, Diorge Lima, Eduardo Motta, Eduardo Motta, Joao Olveira, Joao Olveira, Jocimar Ramos, Jocimar Ramos, Antonio Oliveira, Antonio Oliveira, and Éder Carlos. and Felipe Caldeira.

Who are Marcio Traspadini's peers at other companies?

Marcio Traspadini's peers at other companies are Alex Kaderi, Jose Morales, Katrina James, Andrew Wright, Josmayanto Tobing, and Chris Balzer. and Nugroho Pangestu. Marcio Traspadini's peers at other companies are Alex Kaderi, Jose Morales, Katrina James, Andrew Wright, Josmayanto Tobing, and Chris Balzer. and Nugroho Pangestu.