Manuel Farrell

Manuel Farrell Email and Phone Number

Chief Executive Officer @ Threendy - Ecommerce

Manuel Farrell's Current Company Details

Threendy - Ecommerce

Chief Executive Officer
Highly motivate manager with +13 years proven expertise in building web solutions for different industries.

Manuel Farrell Work Experience

Manuel Farrell Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Manuel Farrell

What company does Manuel Farrell work for?

Manuel Farrell works for Threendy - Ecommerce

What is Manuel Farrell's role in his/her workplace?

Manuel Farrell's role in his/her workplace is Chief Executive Officer.

Which industry does Manuel Farrell work in currently?

Manuel Farrell works in the industry Internet.

What schools did Manuel Farrell attend?

Manuel Farrell attended Technische Universität Berlin.

Who are Manuel Farrell's peers at other companies?

Manuel Farrell's peers at other companies are Basia Klosowska, Öykünün Bitimi, Antonio Coppola, Lucas Leal, Anel Hadžimuratagić, and Aqeel Khan. and Sirisha Jetla. Manuel Farrell's peers at other companies are Basia Klosowska, Öykünün Bitimi, Antonio Coppola, Lucas Leal, Anel Hadžimuratagić, and Aqeel Khan. and Sirisha Jetla.