Manisha Kumari

Manisha Kumari Email and Phone Number

Legal Advisor @ Biogenomics Ltd.
thane, maharashtra, india

Manisha Kumari's Current Company Details

Biogenomics Ltd.

Legal Advisor
thane, maharashtra, india

Manisha Kumari Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Manisha Kumari

What company does Manisha Kumari work for?

Manisha Kumari works for Biogenomics Ltd.

What is Manisha Kumari's role in his/her workplace?

Manisha Kumari's role in his/her workplace is Legal Advisor.

Which industry does Manisha Kumari work in currently?

Manisha Kumari works in the industry Biotechnology.

Who are Manisha Kumari's colleagues?

Manisha Kumari's colleagues are Moushmi Mehendale, Moushmi Mehendale, Rishi Gupta, Rishi Gupta, Anuja Deo, Anuja Deo, Sanjay Sonar, Sanjay Sonar, Vetri Vel, Vetri Vel, and Yamuna Sathiyamurthy. and Bharath Dasan.

Who are Manisha Kumari's peers at other companies?

Manisha Kumari's peers at other companies are Michael Bougas, Marc Sommar, Anne-Sophie Jurkowski, Danica Endrina, Allison Tulino, and Peter Wright. and Gray Mack. Manisha Kumari's peers at other companies are Michael Bougas, Marc Sommar, Anne-Sophie Jurkowski, Danica Endrina, Allison Tulino, and Peter Wright. and Gray Mack.