Mahmoud Abdallah

Mahmoud Abdallah Email and Phone Number

Maintenance Manager @ Mmd
warsaw, mazovia, poland

Mahmoud Abdallah's Current Company Details


Maintenance Manager
warsaw, mazovia, poland
Public Relations And Communications

Mahmoud Abdallah Work Experience

    Maintenance Manager
    Warsaw, Mazovia, Poland

Frequently Asked Questions about Mahmoud Abdallah

What company does Mahmoud Abdallah work for?

Mahmoud Abdallah works for Mmd

What is Mahmoud Abdallah's role in his/her workplace?

Mahmoud Abdallah's role in his/her workplace is Maintenance Manager.

Which industry does Mahmoud Abdallah work in currently?

Mahmoud Abdallah works in the industry Public Relations And Communications.

Who are Mahmoud Abdallah's colleagues?

Mahmoud Abdallah's colleagues are Jason Lee, Jason Lee, Serge Zemliakov, Serge Zemliakov, Talal Al Jarrah, Talal Al Jarrah, Chris Dobson, Chris Dobson, Adrian Bolger, Adrian Bolger, and Tim Hunt. and Zulma Mtz.

Who are Mahmoud Abdallah's peers at other companies?

Mahmoud Abdallah's peers at other companies are Tinashe Mutizwa, Muhammad Aziz, Ingeborg Sørensen, George Dimitriou, Robert Poncelet, and Morgan Cain. and Laura Sandoval. Mahmoud Abdallah's peers at other companies are Tinashe Mutizwa, Muhammad Aziz, Ingeborg Sørensen, George Dimitriou, Robert Poncelet, and Morgan Cain. and Laura Sandoval.