Madeline Velez

Madeline Velez Email and Phone Number


Madeline Velez's Contact Information

Madeline Velez's Current Company Details

Hom Entertainment


Madeline Velez Work Experience

    Sales/Commercial ConsultingIn general my field of expertise:- Sales (management) in FMCG and Entertainment business- Support (sales) people in their performance- Set targets and keeps overview on them- Let your business growBecause these skills are best practised in combination, I am good at retail-& entertainment business, sales and management - CROSSMEDIA CONSULTANCY- SALES OUTSOURING- SALES DETACERING- PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE DEVELOPMENT

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Frequently Asked Questions about Madeline Velez

What company does Madeline Velez work for?

Madeline Velez works for Hom Entertainment

What is Madeline Velez's role in his/her workplace?

Madeline Velez's role in his/her workplace is Social.

Which industry does Madeline Velez work in currently?

Madeline Velez works in the industry Entertainment.

What is Madeline Velez's email address?

Madeline Velez's email address is

Who are Madeline Velez's colleagues?

Madeline Velez's colleagues are Nahed Mohammed, Nahed Mohammed, Sasha Pags, Sasha Pags, Marie Abboud, Marie Abboud, Frances Minogue, Frances Minogue, Krishna Kancharla, Krishna Kancharla, and Nidhi Nawadia. and Ranga Pori.

Who are Madeline Velez's peers at other companies?

Madeline Velez's peers at other companies are Kim Mays, Abule Abadi-Fitzgerald, Wilf Duggan, Tricia Pifer, Rhoweniefel Murillo, and Abigail Robles. and Michelle Mikoni. Madeline Velez's peers at other companies are Kim Mays, Abule Abadi-Fitzgerald, Wilf Duggan, Tricia Pifer, Rhoweniefel Murillo, and Abigail Robles. and Michelle Mikoni.