Lynnette Ferrell

Lynnette Ferrell Email and Phone Number

Program Director @ Frey Foundation
grand rapids, michigan, united states

Lynnette Ferrell's Contact Information

Lynnette Ferrell work email

Lynnette Ferrell personal email


Lynnette Ferrell phone numbers

Lynnette Ferrell's Current Company Details

Frey Foundation

Program Director
grand rapids, michigan, united states
Develop and implement program goals and funding strategy in four major program areas - early care and education, environment, community arts, and building community. Conduct review and analysis of funding proposals, inform recommendations for funding, and design processes for monitoring grants. Partner on major community initiatives including collective impact and affordable housing.

Lynnette Ferrell Work Experience

    Senior Program Officer
    Frey Foundation End date missing
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Program Director
    Frey Foundation Jan 18 - Present · 7 yrs
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States
    Program Officer
    Frey Foundation End date missing
    Grand Rapids, Michigan, United States

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lynnette Ferrell

What company does Lynnette Ferrell work for?

Lynnette Ferrell works for Frey Foundation

What is Lynnette Ferrell's role in his/her workplace?

Lynnette Ferrell's role in his/her workplace is Program Director.

Which industry does Lynnette Ferrell work in currently?

Lynnette Ferrell works in the industry Philanthropy.

What is Lynnette Ferrell's email address?

Lynnette Ferrell's email address is

What is Lynnette Ferrell's direct phone number?

Lynnette Ferrell's direct phone number is +16164510303

What is Lynnette Ferrell's role in his workplace?

Lynnette Ferrell has skills like Capacity Building, Grants, Research, Program Evaluation, Ngos, Nonprofit Organizations, Program Development, Program Management, and Community Outreach.

Who are Lynnette Ferrell's colleagues?

Lynnette Ferrell's colleagues are Carol Wolfe, Carol Wolfe, Milt Rohwer, Milt Rohwer, Campbell Frey, Campbell Frey, and Bryana Hopkins. and Sarah Hockin-Mix.

Who are Lynnette Ferrell's peers at other companies?

Lynnette Ferrell's peers at other companies are Urvesh Patel, Diego González, Thielen Chiquelero, Saeed Mirfattah, Yvette Schutgens, and Corri Roberts. and Cindy Lawrie. Lynnette Ferrell's peers at other companies are Urvesh Patel, Diego González, Thielen Chiquelero, Saeed Mirfattah, Yvette Schutgens, and Corri Roberts. and Cindy Lawrie.