Lynne Rone

Lynne Rone Email and Phone Number

Owner And Manager @ Scottsdale Casa De Paradise

Lynne Rone's Contact Details

Lynne Rone work email

Lynne Rone personal email

Lynne Rone's Current Company Details

Scottsdale Casa De Paradise

Owner And Manager
As a member of the medical community for 32 years, my goal is to provide assisted living residents with security, dignity, happiness and love. I am passionate about their care, their rights and physical well being. The elderly are treasure from God!

Lynne Rone Work Experience

  • Owner And Chief Financial Officer
    Silvio Portrait Design Sep 87 - Jun 08 · 20 yrs 9 mos
  • Owner And Manager
    Scottsdale Casa De Paradise Apr 09 - Present · 15 yrs 10 mos

Lynne Rone Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lynne Rone

What company does Lynne Rone work for?

Lynne Rone works for Scottsdale Casa De Paradise

What is Lynne Rone's role in his/her workplace?

Lynne Rone's role in his/her workplace is Owner And Manager.

What is Lynne Rone's email address?

Lynne Rone's email address is

What is Lynne Rone's direct phone number?

Lynne Rone's direct phone number is +14804434348

What schools did Lynne Rone attend?

Lynne Rone attended Arizona State University.

What are some of Lynne Rone's interests?

Lynne Rone has interest in Assisted Living Homes, Assisted Living Homes. and Health Care.

What is Lynne Rone's role in his/her workplace?

Lynne Rone has skills like Medicine, Mental Health, Home Care, Elder Care, Seniors, Healthcare, Case Managment, Customer Service, Long Term Care, Medicare, Medicaid, and Compassion.