Luz Acevedo

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Luz Acevedo's Current Company Details

Secretaría De Educación Del Distrito

Asesora Juridica
Primary/secondary Education

Luz Acevedo Work Experience

Luz Acevedo Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Luz Acevedo

What company does Luz Acevedo work for?

Luz Acevedo works for Secretaría De Educación Del Distrito

What is Luz Acevedo's role in his/her workplace?

Luz Acevedo's role in his/her workplace is Asesora Juridica.

Which industry does Luz Acevedo work in currently?

Luz Acevedo works in the industry Primary/Secondary Education.

What is Luz Acevedo's email address?

Luz Acevedo's email address is

What schools did Luz Acevedo attend?

Luz Acevedo attended Universidad Del Rosario.

Who are Luz Acevedo's colleagues?

Luz Acevedo's colleagues are Magalli Suárez, Magalli Suárez, Zingler Esp, Zingler Esp, Nury Torres, Nury Torres, Yeisson Machado, Yeisson Machado, Clara Avendaño, Clara Avendaño, and Guillermo Mesa. and Ruben Perilla.

Who are Luz Acevedo's peers at other companies?

Luz Acevedo's peers at other companies are Ruth Medrano, Maznah Salamat, Joy Khojasteh, Herman Robles, Mahendra Reddy, and Debra Lima. and Sara Olivera. Luz Acevedo's peers at other companies are Ruth Medrano, Maznah Salamat, Joy Khojasteh, Herman Robles, Mahendra Reddy, and Debra Lima. and Sara Olivera.