Lucia Sancha

Lucia Sancha Email and Phone Number

alcorcon, madrid, spain

Lucia Sancha's Current Company Details

Proes -Producciones Escenográficas S.L.

alcorcon, madrid, spain
Architecture & Planning

Lucia Sancha Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lucia Sancha

What company does Lucia Sancha work for?

Lucia Sancha works for Proes -Producciones Escenográficas S.l.

What is Lucia Sancha's role in his/her workplace?

Lucia Sancha's role in his/her workplace is Pintora.

Which industry does Lucia Sancha work in currently?

Lucia Sancha works in the industry Architecture & Planning.

Who are Lucia Sancha's colleagues?

Lucia Sancha's colleagues are Pedro Guijarro, Pedro Guijarro, Ricardo Macías, Ricardo Macías, Manuel Rodriguez, Manuel Rodriguez, Jesus Franca, Jesus Franca, Luciano Peixoto, Luciano Peixoto, and Marco Bustamante. and Ana Alonso.

Who are Lucia Sancha's peers at other companies?

Lucia Sancha's peers at other companies are Jeanette Macleod, Shree Raval, Calin Pruteanu, Stefan Baatz, Helene Kuperman, and Geoff Deane. and Emily Roberts. Lucia Sancha's peers at other companies are Jeanette Macleod, Shree Raval, Calin Pruteanu, Stefan Baatz, Helene Kuperman, and Geoff Deane. and Emily Roberts.