Lucas Noguerol

Lucas Noguerol Email and Phone Number


Lucas Noguerol's Current Company Details

Pecom Servicios Energia

Coord Csma
Oil & Energy

Lucas Noguerol Work Experience

Lucas Noguerol Education

    Universidad San Francisco
    1999 - 2001

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lucas Noguerol

What company does Lucas Noguerol work for?

Lucas Noguerol works for Pecom Servicios Energia

What is Lucas Noguerol's role in his/her workplace?

Lucas Noguerol's role in his/her workplace is Coord Csma.

Which industry does Lucas Noguerol work in currently?

Lucas Noguerol works in the industry Oil & Energy.

What schools did Lucas Noguerol attend?

Lucas Noguerol attended Universidad San Francisco.

What is Lucas Noguerol's role in his workplace?

Lucas Noguerol has skills like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Customer Service, Powerpoint, English, Research, Windows, Outlook, Photoshop, Teaching, Html, Public Speaking, Budgets, and Strategic Planning.

Who are Lucas Noguerol's colleagues?

Lucas Noguerol's colleagues are Alexis Garcia, Alexis Garcia, Kalinne Silva, Kalinne Silva, Martin Negre, Martin Negre, Nicolas Herrera, Nicolas Herrera, Gilson Sousa, Gilson Sousa, and Lucrecia Lencina. and Horacio Ponce.

Who are Lucas Noguerol's peers at other companies?

Lucas Noguerol's peers at other companies are Matt Engel, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Babacar Niang, Mario Martis, Ramesh Chand, and Rajesh Sharma. and Raushan Kumar. Lucas Noguerol's peers at other companies are Matt Engel, Ghokulesh Satkuna, Babacar Niang, Mario Martis, Ramesh Chand, and Rajesh Sharma. and Raushan Kumar.