Lucas Matheus

Lucas Matheus Email and Phone Number

Aluno @ Não Aplicavel
cidade, bahia, brazil

Lucas Matheus's Current Company Details

Não Aplicavel

cidade, bahia, brazil
Management Consulting

Lucas Matheus Work Experience

Frequently Asked Questions about Lucas Matheus

What company does Lucas Matheus work for?

Lucas Matheus works for Não Aplicavel

What is Lucas Matheus's role in his/her workplace?

Lucas Matheus's role in his/her workplace is Aluno.

Which industry does Lucas Matheus work in currently?

Lucas Matheus works in the industry Management Consulting.

Who are Lucas Matheus's colleagues?

Lucas Matheus's colleagues are Davyla Silva, Davyla Silva, Tay Lima, Tay Lima, Sandra Andrade, Sandra Andrade, Keite Santos, Keite Santos, André Oliveira, André Oliveira, and Emanuel Bandeiea. and Iterson Carvalho.

Who are Lucas Matheus's peers at other companies?

Lucas Matheus's peers at other companies are Wang Ziyang, Xiomara Mancilla, Christian Camesasca, Maaz Younus, Isabelle L, and Fredy Victoria. and Mohib Al Hatab. Lucas Matheus's peers at other companies are Wang Ziyang, Xiomara Mancilla, Christian Camesasca, Maaz Younus, Isabelle L, and Fredy Victoria. and Mohib Al Hatab.