Luana Warenhuk

Luana Warenhuk Email and Phone Number

Assistente De Produção @ Berneck S.a. Painéis E Serrados
araucária, parana, brazil

Luana Warenhuk's Current Company Details

Berneck S.A. Painéis E Serrados

Assistente De Produção
araucária, parana, brazil
Paper & Forest Products

Luana Warenhuk Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Luana Warenhuk

What company does Luana Warenhuk work for?

Luana Warenhuk works for Berneck S.a. Painéis E Serrados

What is Luana Warenhuk's role in his/her workplace?

Luana Warenhuk's role in his/her workplace is Assistente De Produção.

Which industry does Luana Warenhuk work in currently?

Luana Warenhuk works in the industry Paper & Forest Products.

Who are Luana Warenhuk's colleagues?

Luana Warenhuk's colleagues are Jonathan Almeida, Jonathan Almeida, Marcio Damas, Marcio Damas, Anderson Xavier, Anderson Xavier, Vinicius Lima, Vinicius Lima, Recursos Rogério Ventura Ribeiro, Recursos Rogério Ventura Ribeiro, and Marcela Medeiros. and Mayara Rafaela.

Who are Luana Warenhuk's peers at other companies?

Luana Warenhuk's peers at other companies are Marcus Williams, Marco Grasteit, Deb Phillipy, Henry Atoche, Nova Sitanggang, and Márcio Praxedes. and Eng.samir Hammad. Luana Warenhuk's peers at other companies are Marcus Williams, Marco Grasteit, Deb Phillipy, Henry Atoche, Nova Sitanggang, and Márcio Praxedes. and Eng.samir Hammad.