Louise Jones

Louise Jones Email and Phone Number

Sales Assistant @ Gala Retail Services
kill, co kildare, ireland

Louise Jones's Current Company Details


Gala Retail Services

Sales Assistant
kill, co kildare, ireland
I have six years retail experience, 3 of those years were spent as a supervisor, whilst studying part time for a marketing degree in Dublin Business School I have a Diploma in Marketing, Advertising, Sales & PR and two years of a Marketing Degree completed. In June 2018 I started a new job as a sales administrator in MCD Home & Garden where we sell Stoves, Flues and Garden Furniture and push every month to achieve our sales targets whilst studying part time for a level 5 certificate in Digital Enterprise

Louise Jones Work Experience

Louise Jones Education

  • gala.ie
    Mountmellick Community School

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Frequently Asked Questions about Louise Jones

What company does Louise Jones work for?

Louise Jones works for Gala Retail Services

What is Louise Jones's role in his/her workplace?

Louise Jones's role in his/her workplace is Sales Assistant.

Which industry does Louise Jones work in currently?

Louise Jones works in the industry Retail.

What schools did Louise Jones attend?

Louise Jones attended Mountmellick Community School.

What is Louise Jones's role in his workplace?

Louise Jones has skills like Customer Service, Microsoft Office, Teamwork, Time Management, Social Media, Sales, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Retail, and Communication.

Who are Louise Jones's colleagues?

Louise Jones's colleagues are Patricia Horan, Patricia Horan, Caroline Gramkow, Caroline Gramkow, Ronan Casey, Ronan Casey, Denise O'brien, Denise O'brien, Muhammad Munawar, Muhammad Munawar, and John Murphy. and Christopher Curtin.

Who are Louise Jones's peers at other companies?

Louise Jones's peers at other companies are Silas Nakauta, Roseli Martins, Ashley Dixon, Kevin Jardine, Jerika Gutierrez, and Wendy Prewitt. and Hugo Grenyer. Louise Jones's peers at other companies are Silas Nakauta, Roseli Martins, Ashley Dixon, Kevin Jardine, Jerika Gutierrez, and Wendy Prewitt. and Hugo Grenyer.