Lorne Letkeman

Lorne Letkeman Email and Phone Number

Field Biologist @ Syngenta
basel, basel-city, switzerland

Lorne Letkeman's Contact Information

Lorne Letkeman work email

Lorne Letkeman personal email


Lorne Letkeman's Current Company Details



Field Biologist
basel, basel-city, switzerland

Lorne Letkeman Work Experience

  • syngenta.com
    Field Biologist
    Basel, Basel-City, Switzerland
    Syngenta is a leading agriculture company helping to improve global food security by enabling millions of farmers to make better use of available resources. Through world class science and innovative crop solutions, our 28,000 people in over 90 countries are working to transform how crops are grown. We are committed to rescuing land from degradation, enhancing biodiversity and revitalizing rural communities. To learn more visit www.syngenta.com and www.goodgrowthplan.com. Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/Syngenta

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lorne Letkeman

What company does Lorne Letkeman work for?

Lorne Letkeman works for Syngenta

What is Lorne Letkeman's role in his/her workplace?

Lorne Letkeman's role in his/her workplace is Field Biologist.

Which industry does Lorne Letkeman work in currently?

Lorne Letkeman works in the industry Farming.

What is Lorne Letkeman's email address?

Lorne Letkeman's email address is lorne.letkeman@syngenta.com

Who are Lorne Letkeman's colleagues?

Lorne Letkeman's colleagues are Trevor Culley, Trevor Culley, Marian Villanueva, Marian Villanueva, Mark Lafleur, Mark Lafleur, June Hancock, June Hancock, Andrew Lovett, Andrew Lovett, and Aniko Kende. and John Kulu.

Who are Lorne Letkeman's peers at other companies?

Lorne Letkeman's peers at other companies are Pieter Stox, Hugo Ficarra, Sergio Júnior, Carlos Soldá, Kenneth Jørgensen, and Isabela Flores. and Geoffrey Nyandoro. Lorne Letkeman's peers at other companies are Pieter Stox, Hugo Ficarra, Sergio Júnior, Carlos Soldá, Kenneth Jørgensen, and Isabela Flores. and Geoffrey Nyandoro.