Lizelle Oosthuysen

Lizelle Oosthuysen Email and Phone Number

Senior Accountant @ Pwc South Africa
midrand, gauteng, south africa

Lizelle Oosthuysen's Current Company Details

Pwc South Africa

Senior Accountant
midrand, gauteng, south africa
Senior Accountant at PwC South Africa

Lizelle Oosthuysen Work Experience

    Senior Accountant
    Snijder & Associates Aug 04 - Feb 10 · 5 yrs 6 mos
    Pretoria, Gauteng, South Africa
    Completion of 4 year SAICA training contract Responsibilities same as at PWC
    Senior Accountant
    Pwc South Africa Aug 10 - Present · 14 yrs 6 mos
    Midrand, Gauteng, South Africa
    * Managing the day-to-day running of accounting projects. * Completing financial statements in terms of International Financial Reporting Standards & other reporting requirements * Supervising, motivation and development of junior staff members * Day-to-day liaison with clients and building of client relationships * Skilled in all asprects of recording transactions, posting debits and credits, reconciling accounts and ensuring accuracy and completeness of data * Developing and delivering monthly, quarterly, and annual financial statements for management within tight deadlines * Proficiency in managing accounts payable and accounts receivable, generating invoices and monthly statements for clients * Proven ability to identify and implement improvements to streamline proscesses and increase efficiency and productivity * Completing of income tax returns for companies, trusts, close corporations and individuals * Provisional tax calculations * Very efficient in working independently * Calculations of current and deferred tax

Lizelle Oosthuysen Education

    Strand High School
    1996 - 2000
    University Of South Africa
    Bachelors in Finance 2008 - 2012

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lizelle Oosthuysen

What company does Lizelle Oosthuysen work for?

Lizelle Oosthuysen works for Pwc South Africa

What is Lizelle Oosthuysen's role in his/her workplace?

Lizelle Oosthuysen's role in his/her workplace is Senior Accountant.

Which industry does Lizelle Oosthuysen work in currently?

Lizelle Oosthuysen works in the industry Accounting.

What schools did Lizelle Oosthuysen attend?

Lizelle Oosthuysen attended Strand High School, Strand High School. and University Of South Africa.

What is Lizelle Oosthuysen's role in his/her workplace?

Lizelle Oosthuysen has skills like Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Lotus Notes, Microsoft Office, Pastel Partner, and Caseware.

Who are Lizelle Oosthuysen's colleagues?

Lizelle Oosthuysen's colleagues are Jamie Mendes, Jamie Mendes, Zihle Ramosoeu, Zihle Ramosoeu, Praveen Mathews, Praveen Mathews, Nokulinda Boyana, Nokulinda Boyana, Jason Wright, Jason Wright, and Keshana Chetty. and Tamara Pillay.

Who are Lizelle Oosthuysen's peers at other companies?

Lizelle Oosthuysen's peers at other companies are Patrick Gendrue, Thomas Messenger, Madhuri Ig, Damien Breuil, Francis Araujo, and Prapatsorn Julnipitawong. and Jane Legette. Lizelle Oosthuysen's peers at other companies are Patrick Gendrue, Thomas Messenger, Madhuri Ig, Damien Breuil, Francis Araujo, and Prapatsorn Julnipitawong. and Jane Legette.