Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson Email and Phone Number

Head Volleyball Coach, Assistant Softball @ Compass Professional Health Services
dallas, texas, united states

Lisa Johnson's Contact Information

Lisa Johnson personal email

Lisa Johnson's Current Company Details

Compass Professional Health Services

Head Volleyball Coach, Assistant Softball
dallas, texas, united states
Hospital & Health Care
I am someone who has a passion to impact the world in a positive way.

Lisa Johnson Work Experience

    Sports Trainer
    Mr Ed'S Speed And Strength Jun 08 - Aug 08 · 2 mos
    Learned good instructional skills and leadership skills while sports training 10-20 girls five days out of the week.
    Associate Health Professional
    Dallas, Texas, United States
    Compass Professional Health Services partners with companies to provide health care cost-containment strategies, tools and services that improve overall employee health and corporate financial performance. Compass unique combination of technology-enabled price and quality transparency tools and the high-touch personal engagement of its Compass Health Pro concierge services, empowers employers and their employees with better information and smarter care alternatives that save time, money and frustration. From providing comparative quality and price data on medical providers and services to engaging employees with high-quality physicians who will help them proactively manage their health, Compass tailored solutions deliver an average 8-to-1 return on investment for our more than 1,300 clients nationwide. For more information about Compass, please visit our website at
    External Outreach
    Denton, Texas, United States
    Experienced cold calling commuincation to promote new football stadium and ticket sales.

Lisa Johnson Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Johnson

What company does Lisa Johnson work for?

Lisa Johnson works for Compass Professional Health Services

What is Lisa Johnson's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Johnson's role in his/her workplace is Head Volleyball Coach, Assistant Softball.

Which industry does Lisa Johnson work in currently?

Lisa Johnson works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Lisa Johnson's email address?

Lisa Johnson's email address is

What schools did Lisa Johnson attend?

Lisa Johnson attended Sherman High School, Sherman High School. and University Of North Texas.

Who are Lisa Johnson's colleagues?

Lisa Johnson's colleagues are Lauren Herman, Lauren Herman, Betty Emeliantsev, Betty Emeliantsev, Amna Asad, Amna Asad, Lauren Bronner, Lauren Bronner, Lauren Boneta, Lauren Boneta, and Tiffany Wood. and Mycah Miller.

Who are Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies?

Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies are Partryce Hunter, Nanda Akkerman, Pille Konno, Frank Gonzalez, Dorian Herceg, and Michele Mccarthy. and Ajp Kelly Dougan. Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies are Partryce Hunter, Nanda Akkerman, Pille Konno, Frank Gonzalez, Dorian Herceg, and Michele Mccarthy. and Ajp Kelly Dougan.