Lisa Naslund

Lisa Naslund Email and Phone Number

President @ Lmn Civil Engineering

Lisa Naslund's Contact Details

Lisa Naslund work email

Lisa Naslund personal email


Lisa Naslund's Current Company Details

Lmn Civil Engineering


Lisa Naslund Work Experience

  • Associate Civil Engineer
    Alhambra, California, United States
    Current Assignment: Regional Drainage & Grading Plan Check Engineer in Building & Safety
  • Draftsperson
    City Of Torrance 1995 - 1999 · 4 yrs
    Torrance, California, United States
  • President
    Lmn Civil Engineering Jan 07 - Present · 18 yrs 1 mo
    Since 2007, I’ve been providing professional consulting and inspection services to clients in Los Angeles, Riverside, Ventura, Orange, and San Diego County. For 13 years, I worked for Building & Safety in Los Angeles County in the Drainage & Grading Section, where I became intimately familiar with code requirements for drainage & grading, FEMA and NPDES compliance for private projects. From day to day inspections to innovative design solutions, my focus is always cost efficient compliance and fast approvals. Incorporated January 2023.
  • Civil Engineer
    Alhambra, California, United States
    Regional Drainage and Grading Plan Check Engineer
  • Drainage And Grading Section Head
    Alhambra, California, United States

Lisa Naslund Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Naslund

What company does Lisa Naslund work for?

Lisa Naslund works for Lmn Civil Engineering

What is Lisa Naslund's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Naslund's role in his/her workplace is President.

What is Lisa Naslund's email address?

Lisa Naslund's email address is

What schools did Lisa Naslund attend?

Lisa Naslund attended University Of Colorado Boulder, University Of Colorado Boulder. and California State University, Long Beach.

What are some of Lisa Naslund's interests?

Lisa Naslund has interest in Science And Technology, Science And Technology. and Environment.

What is Lisa Naslund's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Naslund has skills like Drainage, Stormwater Management, Grading, Civil Engineering, Hydrology, Water Quality, Low Impact Development, Erosion Control, and Municipalities.