Lisa Mcconkey

Lisa Mcconkey Email and Phone Number

Psw @ Revera Inc.
mississauga, ontario, canada

Lisa Mcconkey's Contact Information

Lisa Mcconkey work email

Lisa Mcconkey personal email


Lisa Mcconkey's Current Company Details

Revera Inc.

mississauga, ontario, canada
Hospital & Health Care
PSW at Revera Inc.

Lisa Mcconkey Work Experience

    Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
    Revera is a leading owner, operator and investor in the senior living sector. Through its portfolio of partnerships, Revera owns or operates more than 500 properties across Canada, the United States and the United Kingdom, serving more than 45,000 people. The company offers seniors' apartments, independent living, assisted living, memory care, long term care and skilled nursing. With more than 45,000 employees dedicated to providing excellent care and service, Revera is helping seniors live life to the fullest. Through Age is More, Revera is committed to challenging ageism, the company's social cause of choice. Find out more at, or on Twitter @Revera_Inc.

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Mcconkey

What company does Lisa Mcconkey work for?

Lisa Mcconkey works for Revera Inc.

What is Lisa Mcconkey's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Mcconkey's role in his/her workplace is Psw.

Which industry does Lisa Mcconkey work in currently?

Lisa Mcconkey works in the industry Hospital & Health Care.

What is Lisa Mcconkey's email address?

Lisa Mcconkey's email address is

Who are Lisa Mcconkey's colleagues?

Lisa Mcconkey's colleagues are Maureen Peddiejames, Maureen Peddiejames, Michelle Gayle, Michelle Gayle, Faith Scott, Faith Scott, Letty Chua, Letty Chua, Matthew Tumbridge, Matthew Tumbridge, and Keri Closs. and Jeremy Jongsma.

Who are Lisa Mcconkey's peers at other companies?

Lisa Mcconkey's peers at other companies are Soye Bekeangama, Dave Brault, Roger Snellen, Rosa Perkins, Lynnette Dowell, and Ashley Schamberg. and Barry Walsh. Lisa Mcconkey's peers at other companies are Soye Bekeangama, Dave Brault, Roger Snellen, Rosa Perkins, Lynnette Dowell, and Ashley Schamberg. and Barry Walsh.