Lisa Johnson

Lisa Johnson Email and Phone Number

Account Manager @ Bofi Federal Bank
san diego, california, united states

Lisa Johnson's Contact Information

Lisa Johnson personal email

Lisa Johnson's Current Company Details

Bofi Federal Bank

Account Manager
san diego, california, united states
Account Manager at BofI Federal Bank

Lisa Johnson Work Experience

    Account Manager
    Bofi Federal Bank Aug 10 - Present · 14 yrs 5 mos
    San Diego, California, United States

Lisa Johnson Education

    Valley High School
    1992 - 1995

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lisa Johnson

What company does Lisa Johnson work for?

Lisa Johnson works for Bofi Federal Bank

What is Lisa Johnson's role in his/her workplace?

Lisa Johnson's role in his/her workplace is Account Manager.

Which industry does Lisa Johnson work in currently?

Lisa Johnson works in the industry Banking.

What is Lisa Johnson's email address?

Lisa Johnson's email address is

What schools did Lisa Johnson attend?

Lisa Johnson attended Valley High School.

What is Lisa Johnson's role in his workplace?

Lisa Johnson has skills like Credit, and Mortgage Lending.

Who are Lisa Johnson's colleagues?

Lisa Johnson's colleagues are Angela Welsh, Angela Welsh, Msiop Cassi Scott, Msiop Cassi Scott, Barbara Potter, Barbara Potter, Melodie Taylor-Bradley, Melodie Taylor-Bradley, Caty Mccarty, Caty Mccarty, and John Yoder. and Kent Mckay.

Who are Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies?

Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies are Ba Janet Reid, Petra Van Den Dolder, Amy Dubridge, Allan Oung, Edwige Lemarchand, and Marcel Ffp. and Clémence Vissac. Lisa Johnson's peers at other companies are Ba Janet Reid, Petra Van Den Dolder, Amy Dubridge, Allan Oung, Edwige Lemarchand, and Marcel Ffp. and Clémence Vissac.