Linda Hofflander

Linda Hofflander Email and Phone Number

california, united states

Linda Hofflander's Contact Details

Linda Hofflander work email

Linda Hofflander personal email


Linda Hofflander's Current Company Details

Abraham Lincoln High School

california, united states
Education Management
Retired and never home

Linda Hofflander Work Experience

Linda Hofflander Education

    Abraham Lincoln High School
    1965 - 1968

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Frequently Asked Questions about Linda Hofflander

What company does Linda Hofflander work for?

Linda Hofflander works for Abraham Lincoln High School

Which industry does Linda Hofflander work in currently?

Linda Hofflander works in the industry Education Management.

What is Linda Hofflander's email address?

Linda Hofflander's email address is

What schools did Linda Hofflander attend?

Linda Hofflander attended Abraham Lincoln High School.

What is Linda Hofflander's role in his/her workplace?

Linda Hofflander has skills like Microsoft Office, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Customer Service, Powerpoint, English, Windows, Research, Outlook, Teaching, Photoshop, Public Speaking, Html, Strategic Planning, and Budgets.

Who are Linda Hofflander's colleagues?

Linda Hofflander's colleagues are Gerri Venditto, Gerri Venditto, Alexys Gong, Alexys Gong, Adrian Olivo, Adrian Olivo, Lami Valery, Lami Valery, Dirk Waller, Dirk Waller, and Randy Franks. and Lloyd Knight.

Who are Linda Hofflander's peers at other companies?

Linda Hofflander's peers at other companies are Charmaine Hercules, Robin Long, Todd Daney, Wanlapa Jandaboue, Harley Liggett, and Arfan Ali. and Diane Weiss. Linda Hofflander's peers at other companies are Charmaine Hercules, Robin Long, Todd Daney, Wanlapa Jandaboue, Harley Liggett, and Arfan Ali. and Diane Weiss.