Lilian Oliveira

Lilian Oliveira Email and Phone Number

sorriso, mato grosso, brazil

Lilian Oliveira's Current Company Details

Fundacao Educacional Claudino Francio

Assistente De Rh
sorriso, mato grosso, brazil

Lilian Oliveira Work Experience

Lilian Oliveira Education

    Faculdade Centro Mato - Grossense
    2018 - 2023

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lilian Oliveira

What company does Lilian Oliveira work for?

Lilian Oliveira works for Fundacao Educacional Claudino Francio

What is Lilian Oliveira's role in his/her workplace?

Lilian Oliveira's role in his/her workplace is Assistente De Rh.

Which industry does Lilian Oliveira work in currently?

Lilian Oliveira works in the industry E-Learning.

What schools did Lilian Oliveira attend?

Lilian Oliveira attended Faculdade Centro Mato - Grossense.

Who are Lilian Oliveira's colleagues?

Lilian Oliveira's colleagues are Ana Vaites, Ana Vaites, Amanda Kettlei, Amanda Kettlei, Vicente Silva, Vicente Silva, Wesley Belonci, Wesley Belonci, Fran Scheck, Fran Scheck, and Ana Valenga. and Guilherme Miller.

Who are Lilian Oliveira's peers at other companies?

Lilian Oliveira's peers at other companies are Tracey Foxworth, Mathias Thomas, Lena Hazes, Humzah Latif, Sunita Gilbert, and Sandra Culver. and Quỳnh Thân. Lilian Oliveira's peers at other companies are Tracey Foxworth, Mathias Thomas, Lena Hazes, Humzah Latif, Sunita Gilbert, and Sandra Culver. and Quỳnh Thân.