Liezl Largado

Liezl Largado Email and Phone Number

Manufacturing Supervisor @ Knowles Corporation
itasca, illinois, united states

Liezl Largado's Current Company Details

Knowles Corporation

Manufacturing Supervisor
itasca, illinois, united states
Electrical/electronic Manufacturing

Liezl Largado Work Experience

    Manufacturing Supervisor
    Knowles Corporation Aug 13 - Present · 11 yrs 6 mos
    Itasca, Illinois, United States
    Production Supervisor
    Taiyo Yuden Jul 08 - Aug 13 · 5 yrs 1 mo
    Solana Beach, California, United States

Liezl Largado Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Liezl Largado

What company does Liezl Largado work for?

Liezl Largado works for Knowles Corporation

What is Liezl Largado's role in his/her workplace?

Liezl Largado's role in his/her workplace is Manufacturing Supervisor.

Which industry does Liezl Largado work in currently?

Liezl Largado works in the industry Electrical/Electronic Manufacturing.

What schools did Liezl Largado attend?

Liezl Largado attended University Of San Jose - Recoletos.

Who are Liezl Largado's colleagues?

Liezl Largado's colleagues are Beyonce Knowles, Beyonce Knowles, G-Eye Sagun, G-Eye Sagun, Amor Conejero, Amor Conejero, Andrew La Valle, Andrew La Valle, Aina Sha, Aina Sha, and Nicola Knowles. and Nirupama C.r.

Who are Liezl Largado's peers at other companies?

Liezl Largado's peers at other companies are Julia Riedlinger, Mario Ramirez, Alan Orozco, Luana Leticia, Gerhard Fangmann, and Safa Chaal. and Renato Bacco. Liezl Largado's peers at other companies are Julia Riedlinger, Mario Ramirez, Alan Orozco, Luana Leticia, Gerhard Fangmann, and Safa Chaal. and Renato Bacco.