Leslie Hirons

Leslie Hirons Email and Phone Number

east norriton, pennsylvania, united states

Leslie Hirons's Contact Details

Leslie Hirons personal email

Leslie Hirons's Current Company Details


Creature Comforts Veterinary Hospital

east norriton, pennsylvania, united states

Leslie Hirons Work Experience

  • ccvh.com
    Ankeny Pet Salon 2006 - Aug 07 · 1 yr 7 mos
    Prepped for grooming. ie. bathing, trim nails, clean/pluck ears, dry and comb out.
  • ccvh.com
    Registered Veterinary Technician
    Creature Comforts Veterinary Hospital Jun 07 - Sep 12 · 5 yrs 3 mos
    East Norriton, Pennsylvania, United States
    Patient care, Monitored surgical procedure, Dentistry, Animal examinations and restraint, blood draw and testing, radiographs (including digital), Client education

Leslie Hirons Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Leslie Hirons

What company does Leslie Hirons work for?

Leslie Hirons works for Creature Comforts Veterinary Hospital

Which industry does Leslie Hirons work in currently?

Leslie Hirons works in the industry Veterinary.

What is Leslie Hirons's email address?

Leslie Hirons's email address is leslie.hirons@gmail.com

What schools did Leslie Hirons attend?

Leslie Hirons attended Iowa State University, Iowa State University. and Des Moines Area Community College.

What is Leslie Hirons's role in his workplace?

Leslie Hirons has skills like Animal Husbandry, Surgical Assisting, Veterinary, Pets, Anesthesia, Animal Nutrition, Dogs, Animal Welfare, Animal Behavior, Client Education, and Veterinary Medicine.

Who are Leslie Hirons's colleagues?

Leslie Hirons's colleagues are Melissa Sandt, Melissa Sandt, Heather Shannon, Heather Shannon, Travis Robin, Travis Robin, and Marianne Frost. and Karen Shuster.

Who are Leslie Hirons's peers at other companies?

Leslie Hirons's peers at other companies are Daniel Guth, David Villarreal, Will Salter, Chris Carskaddan, Kate Mclaren, and Sarah Beatty. and Janice Hawksley. Leslie Hirons's peers at other companies are Daniel Guth, David Villarreal, Will Salter, Chris Carskaddan, Kate Mclaren, and Sarah Beatty. and Janice Hawksley.