Lee Matthews

Lee Matthews Email and Phone Number

Contracts Manager @ Birdsall Services Ltd
hemel hempstead, hertfordshire, united kingdom

Lee Matthews's Contact Details

Lee Matthews work email

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Lee Matthews phone numbers

Lee Matthews's Current Company Details


Birdsall Services Ltd

Contracts Manager
hemel hempstead, hertfordshire, united kingdom
Facilities Services

Lee Matthews Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lee Matthews

What company does Lee Matthews work for?

Lee Matthews works for Birdsall Services Ltd

What is Lee Matthews's role in his/her workplace?

Lee Matthews's role in his/her workplace is Contracts Manager.

Which industry does Lee Matthews work in currently?

Lee Matthews works in the industry Facilities Services.

What is Lee Matthews's email address?

Lee Matthews's email address is lee.matthews@birdsall.co.uk

What is Lee Matthews's direct phone number?

Lee Matthews's direct phone number is +447753459397

Who are Lee Matthews's colleagues?

Lee Matthews's colleagues are Paul Migem, Paul Migem, Kathy Chambers, Kathy Chambers, Rebecca Mellor, Rebecca Mellor, Vernon Charles, Vernon Charles, Rhiane Leon, Rhiane Leon, and Michelle Curley. and Michelle Tatham.

Who are Lee Matthews's peers at other companies?

Lee Matthews's peers at other companies are Mubarak Ahmed, Deb Grubaugh, Lien Delecluyse, Winicius Teixeira, Rodrigo Pantuzza, and Dennis Van Den Haak. and Frank Schulz. Lee Matthews's peers at other companies are Mubarak Ahmed, Deb Grubaugh, Lien Delecluyse, Winicius Teixeira, Rodrigo Pantuzza, and Dennis Van Den Haak. and Frank Schulz.