Lee Matthews

Lee Matthews Email and Phone Number

Group Leader Supply Chain @ Jcb
rocester, staffordshire, united kingdom

Lee Matthews's Contact Details

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Lee Matthews's Current Company Details



Group Leader Supply Chain
rocester, staffordshire, united kingdom

Lee Matthews Work Experience

  • jcb.com
    Group Leader Supply Chain
    Rocester, Staffordshire, United Kingdom

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lee Matthews

What company does Lee Matthews work for?

Lee Matthews works for Jcb

What is Lee Matthews's role in his/her workplace?

Lee Matthews's role in his/her workplace is Group Leader Supply Chain.

Which industry does Lee Matthews work in currently?

Lee Matthews works in the industry Machinery.

What is Lee Matthews's email address?

Lee Matthews's email address is lee.matthews@jcb.com

Who are Lee Matthews's colleagues?

Lee Matthews's colleagues are Sachiko Kawashima, Sachiko Kawashima, Manish Sharma, Manish Sharma, Afkar Abbas, Afkar Abbas, Yunus Bozkurt, Yunus Bozkurt, Aashik Parajuli, Aashik Parajuli, and David Sweeney. and Saurabh Abrol.

Who are Lee Matthews's peers at other companies?

Lee Matthews's peers at other companies are Maryline Schickel, Dewald Barnard, Brandan Brugger, Dawid Podgorski, Kirk Mitchell, and Frank Dixneuf. and Tatiana Freitas. Lee Matthews's peers at other companies are Maryline Schickel, Dewald Barnard, Brandan Brugger, Dawid Podgorski, Kirk Mitchell, and Frank Dixneuf. and Tatiana Freitas.