Lea Haddad

Lea Haddad Email and Phone Number

Sales Marketing Manager @ Fig Holding Co
los angeles, california, united states

Lea Haddad's Contact Details

Lea Haddad work email

Lea Haddad personal email


Lea Haddad's Current Company Details


Fig Holding Co

Sales Marketing Manager
los angeles, california, united states
My motto in life is that life is too short to be afraid to take risks and live in a routine. Failing is what makes us stronger and more educated. I like to step out of the box and see things from another perspective.I really believe in synergy, and being a flexible person has helped me a lot with my projects and social life.I'm known to be a funny friend, which is why all my friends feel very comfortable around me and trust me, always knowing that they can act like themselves.Being an artist helped me a lot with my creativity. I benefit from this side a lot in my work, and it aids me to break the block in my head when I try to come up with creative, unique, and original ideas.

Lea Haddad Work Experience

  • figholding.com
    Communications Coordinator
    Fig Holding Co Sep 21 - Oct 22 · 1 yr 1 mo
    Los Angeles, California, United States
  • figholding.com
    Antonine School Jun 18 - Aug 18 · 2 mos
  • figholding.com
    Sales Marketing Manager
    Fig Holding Co Oct 22 - Present · 2 yrs 4 mos
    Los Angeles, California, United States
  • figholding.com
    Student Assistant
    * Paper Work & Reporting * Adviser Associate * Scheduling & Communication
  • figholding.com
    Retail Sales Associate
    Abc Mall Oct 18 - Jan 19 · 3 mos
    Yangon, Myanmar
    * Customer Service * Virtual Asset Management * Sales and Marketing
  • figholding.com
    Retail Sales Associate
    The Bound Outlet Sep 17 - May 18 · 8 mos
    * Customer Service * Virtual Asset Management * Sales and Marketing
  • figholding.com
    Community Manager
    Oktopi.Ai Oct 20 - Mar 21 · 5 mos
    Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Lea Haddad Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lea Haddad

What company does Lea Haddad work for?

Lea Haddad works for Fig Holding Co

What is Lea Haddad's role in his/her workplace?

Lea Haddad's role in his/her workplace is Sales Marketing Manager.

Which industry does Lea Haddad work in currently?

Lea Haddad works in the industry Restaurants.

What is Lea Haddad's email address?

Lea Haddad's email address is lea@figholding.com

What schools did Lea Haddad attend?

Lea Haddad attended American University Of Science And Technology.

Who are Lea Haddad's peers at other companies?

Lea Haddad's peers at other companies are Aaron Hagan, Sofia Martinez, Karisa Crawford, Natasha Stoyanoff, Jacqueline Knight, and Costore Courtney. and Johnnie Mosxidis. Lea Haddad's peers at other companies are Aaron Hagan, Sofia Martinez, Karisa Crawford, Natasha Stoyanoff, Jacqueline Knight, and Costore Courtney. and Johnnie Mosxidis.