Lauren Wilcox

Lauren Wilcox Email and Phone Number

Senior Staff Research Scientist, Group Manager @ Google
mountain view, california, united states

Lauren Wilcox's Contact Information

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Lauren Wilcox's Current Company Details


Senior Staff Research Scientist, Group Manager
mountain view, california, united states

Lauren Wilcox Work Experience

    Staff Researcher And Research Lead
    Google ['2019-02-01', '2022-10-01']
    Mountain View, California, United States
    People + AI Research (2021–2022) (research lead under Meredith R. Morris, team co-lead 9/22-11/22 until TASC team graduation 11/22)Wellbeing Lab, Google Health (via Medical Brain)(2019–2021) Research lead Health Equity Steering Committee (2019–2022)Health Equity Co-lead (2019-2020)
    Adjunct Associate Professor
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    New York, New York, United States
    Teaching assistant for courses: User Interface Design, Natural Language Processing, Introduction to Computer Science. For each, assisted in creating homework assignments, held weekly office hours, supported and delivered lectures, graded programming and written assignments and exams, formulated solutions, managed grades and email correspondence, developed and maintained websites.
    Staff Software Engineer
    Ibm ['2006-07-01', '2007-08-01']
    New York, New York, United States
    Designed, implemented, and presented solution prototypes in a customer demo environment. Integrated IBM software products and services with partner technologies to create demos addressing current scenarios in Retail, Public Sector, and Health Care. Presented solution demos to visiting C-level executives to create novel Executive Briefing experiences. Applied design methods to develop demonstrations based on customer scenarios and task analyses. Applied human-computer interaction and user experience design principles to solution development. Contributed code, documentation and learning materials for solutions. Worked with IBM partners and developed software to demonstrate new, integrated solutions into demo environment. Served as technical mentor of Extreme Blue internship team. Team developed a Rich Internet Application to facilitate navigation through virtual lab environments and venues as well as interaction with virtual demos.
    Editorial Assistant
    Tout-Fait Marcel Duchamp Studies Online Journal ['2001-05-01', '2002-05-01']
    Contributed article and interview content and interaction design (undergraduate internship) Read a writing sample: Vol. 2 / Issue 4, 2002, New York, New York,
    Senior Staff Research Scientist, Group Manager
    Google ['2022-10-01', 'Present']
    Mountain View, California, United States
    * Responsible AI and Human-Centered Technology Group manager for 17+ person team advancing state-of-the-art (foundational research) in: * Identification of benefits of generative AI on community and societal levels, strategies and techniques for identifying and mitigating risks, harms * Responsible Data: RAI-focused datasets and transparency artifacts for agile classifiers for testing, fine tuning and reinforcement learning; new methods for working with human annotators * Human–AI interaction techniques * Evaluation to uncover and mitigate risks and model failures * Participatory AI: Methods to engage perspectives of communities impacted by AI in R&D Show less
    Associate Professor
    Georgia Institute Of Technology ['2020-08-01', '2021-12-01']
    Atlanta, Georgia, United States
    Director of Health Experience and Applications Lab (Hx Lab) in the School of Interactive Computing (
    Research Intern
    Microsoft ['2009-06-01', '2009-09-01']
    Redmond, Washington, United States
    Research Co-Op
    Ibm ['2007-08-01', '2009-05-01']
    New York, New York, United States
    Research combining medical informatics, human-centered design, and AI, with a focus on creating new interactive medical documentation technology. Prototypes and patents include presentation techniques through which medical note content can be recommended during patient progress note creation and new interaction techniques for effectively browsing,...
    Software Engineer Extreme Blue Program, Smart Portals Project
    Ibm ['2005-05-01', '2005-08-01']
    New York, New York, United States
    Worked with a four-person team to develop an executive portal based on WebSphere Portal. Introduced new automated reporting tools, improved alerts and recommendations in Portal environment. Served as user experience design lead, assisted with software design and development. Presented solution to several IBM Senior Vice Presidents. Contributed many patents (filed).
    Graduate Research Assistant And Ph.D. Student
    New York, New York, United States
    Dissertation research focused on creating the first inpatient Personal Health Record system for patients, including techniques to draw from hospital EHR system to deliver timely, interactive, patient-friendly presentations of medical data and health-related information. Work included iteratively designing and developing graphical data abstraction techniques, automatically-generated summaries, and lay-friendly explanations. To achieve this, I engaged both domain experts (e.g., physicians, pharmacists, and nurses) and "lay people" (e.g., patients and their family members) in studies at two large urban hospitals, to inform and evaluate software design. Taking an end-to-end approach to technology design, I conducted field studies to understand information needs and engaged end-users in iterative design processes. To evaluate technology for a variety of usage contexts and scenarios, I employed experimental and qualitative field-based research methods.

Lauren Wilcox Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Lauren Wilcox

What company does Lauren Wilcox work for?

Lauren Wilcox works for Google

What is Lauren Wilcox's role in his/her workplace?

Lauren Wilcox's role in his/her workplace is Senior Staff Research Scientist, Group Manager.

Which industry does Lauren Wilcox work in currently?

Lauren Wilcox works in the industry Internet.

What is Lauren Wilcox's email address?

Lauren Wilcox's email address is

What is Lauren Wilcox's direct phone number?

Lauren Wilcox's direct phone number is +14045791153

What schools did Lauren Wilcox attend?

Lauren Wilcox attended Columbia University In The City Of New York, Columbia University In The City Of New York. Columbia University In The City Of New York, Columbia University In The City Of New York. Columbia University In The City Of New York, Columbia University In The City Of New York. and Columbia University In The City Of New York.

What are some of Lauren Wilcox's interests?

Lauren Wilcox has interests in Social Services, Social Services. Children, Children. Economic Empowerment, Economic Empowerment. Civil Rights And Social Action, Civil Rights And Social Action. Politics, Politics. Education, Education. Environment, Environment. Poverty Alleviation, Poverty Alleviation. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Disaster And Humanitarian Relief, Disaster And Humanitarian Relief. Human Rights, Human Rights. Animal Welfare, Animal Welfare. Arts And Culture, Arts And Culture. and Health.

Who are Lauren Wilcox's colleagues?

Lauren Wilcox's colleagues are James Ho, James Ho, Shuxin Nie, Shuxin Nie, Jamie Rollins, Jamie Rollins, Patricia Mazini, Patricia Mazini, Sorin Basca, Sorin Basca, and Deidania Garcia. and Ajeet Singh.

Who are Lauren Wilcox's peers at other companies?

Lauren Wilcox's peers at other companies are Eftychis Fetfatsidis, Ilya Chesnokov, Erin Yost, Stéphanie Batbare, Marcin Pospiech, and Vishweshwar Deo. and Damon Cheng. Lauren Wilcox's peers at other companies are Eftychis Fetfatsidis, Ilya Chesnokov, Erin Yost, Stéphanie Batbare, Marcin Pospiech, and Vishweshwar Deo. and Damon Cheng.