Laura Sandoval

Laura Sandoval Email and Phone Number

Coordinador Control De Gestión @ Instituto De Previsión Social, Ips

Laura Sandoval's Current Company Details

Instituto De Previsión Social, Ips

Coordinador Control De Gestión
Public Relations And Communications

Laura Sandoval Work Experience

Laura Sandoval Education

Frequently Asked Questions about Laura Sandoval

What company does Laura Sandoval work for?

Laura Sandoval works for Instituto De Previsión Social, Ips

What is Laura Sandoval's role in his/her workplace?

Laura Sandoval's role in his/her workplace is Coordinador Control De Gestión.

Which industry does Laura Sandoval work in currently?

Laura Sandoval works in the industry Public Relations And Communications.

What schools did Laura Sandoval attend?

Laura Sandoval attended Universidad Arturo Prat Sede Victoria.

Who are Laura Sandoval's colleagues?

Laura Sandoval's colleagues are Julio Fernandez, Julio Fernandez, Liliana Giorgetti, Liliana Giorgetti, Ana Escala, Ana Escala, Luis Salinas, Luis Salinas, Eladio Perez, Eladio Perez, and Martha Pasotti. and Maria Castillo.

Who are Laura Sandoval's peers at other companies?

Laura Sandoval's peers at other companies are Morgan Cain, Mahmoud Abdallah, George Dimitriou, Robert Poncelet, Ingeborg Sørensen, and Muhammad Aziz. and Sherif Afifi. Laura Sandoval's peers at other companies are Morgan Cain, Mahmoud Abdallah, George Dimitriou, Robert Poncelet, Ingeborg Sørensen, and Muhammad Aziz. and Sherif Afifi.