Larry Ward

Larry Ward Email and Phone Number

President @ Inside-out Ministries

Larry Ward's Contact Details

Larry Ward personal email


Larry Ward phone numbers

Larry Ward's Current Company Details

Inside-Out Ministries


Larry Ward Work Experience

    Volunteer Chaplain-Disaster Relief
    Alabama Baptist Disaster Relief End date missing
    Retired-Technical Lead Engineer
    Boeing Oct 00 - Jun 17 · 16 yrs 8 mos
    Chicago, Illinois, United States
    Electrical Systems Engineer for the International Space Station hardware developed at Boeing Hunstville. Heater system and wire harness design for internal and external hardware.
    Disaster Relief Coordinator
    Limestone Baptist Association Sep 19 - Oct 22 · 3 yrs 1 mo
    Athens, Alabama, United States
    Leads the Limestone Baptist Association (LBA) Disaster Relief preparation and response. Coordinates with Alabama State Board of Missions on the district and state level concerning deployment opportunities. Oversees volunteers and equipment readiness for disaster deployment. Assist with the development and management of the LBA DR fleet of response vehicles. Collaborates with LBA Director of Missions to fulfill mission goals. Collaborates with state VOAD (Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster) and with EMA professionals, to include State EMA, county government, and FEMA,
    Test Engineer
    Teledyne Brown Engineering Mar 82 - Oct 00 · 18 yrs 7 mos
    Huntsville, Alabama, United States
    Test Engineer for electronics hardware developed for the International Space Station.
    Inside-Out Ministries Jan 08 - Present · 17 yrs 1 mo
    Oversee benevolence resources and activities as a community outreach to those in need of basic emergency financial assistance. Larry is ordained, licensed and practicing ministry every day. Inside-Out Ministries was created to serve our community in two ways: 1) To help those who are struggling with providing basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter for their families by giving some assistance while offering hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ to affect a change from the inside-out of each individual. 2) Partner with local churches and civic organizations and to become a point of contact between the churches and the community to affect a change from the inside-out of each organization.

Larry Ward Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Larry Ward

What company does Larry Ward work for?

Larry Ward works for Inside-Out Ministries

What is Larry Ward's role in his/her workplace?

Larry Ward's role in his/her workplace is President.

What is Larry Ward's email address?

Larry Ward's email address is

What is Larry Ward's direct phone number?

Larry Ward's direct phone number is +13342882460