Laiza Benhocine

Laiza Benhocine Email and Phone Number

Chargé De La Clientels @ Bolloré Logistics
puteaux, île-de-france, france

Laiza Benhocine's Contact Details

Laiza Benhocine personal email

Laiza Benhocine's Current Company Details

Bolloré Logistics

Chargé De La Clientels
puteaux, île-de-france, france
Logistics And Supply Chain

Laiza Benhocine Work Experience

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Frequently Asked Questions about Laiza Benhocine

What company does Laiza Benhocine work for?

Laiza Benhocine works for Bolloré Logistics

What is Laiza Benhocine's role in his/her workplace?

Laiza Benhocine's role in his/her workplace is Chargé De La Clientels.

Which industry does Laiza Benhocine work in currently?

Laiza Benhocine works in the industry Logistics And Supply Chain.

What is Laiza Benhocine's email address?

Laiza Benhocine's email address is

Who are Laiza Benhocine's colleagues?

Laiza Benhocine's colleagues are Jean-Marc Sonéa, Jean-Marc Sonéa, Sabine Bonil, Sabine Bonil, Jeïel Stéphen, Jeïel Stéphen, Paul Harvey, Paul Harvey, Edy N'guessan, Edy N'guessan, and Pauline Joubert. and Celine Vallade.

Who are Laiza Benhocine's peers at other companies?

Laiza Benhocine's peers at other companies are Stavros Kolyvakis, Crystal Scott, Ovidio Gonzalez, Jennifer Rech, Ravi Chandra, and Isabel Macedo. and Jeffrey Boslooper. Laiza Benhocine's peers at other companies are Stavros Kolyvakis, Crystal Scott, Ovidio Gonzalez, Jennifer Rech, Ravi Chandra, and Isabel Macedo. and Jeffrey Boslooper.