Krystian Korfel

Krystian Korfel Email and Phone Number

Programista Plc @ Propoint Sp. Z O.o. Sp. K.

Krystian Korfel's Contact Details

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Krystian Korfel's Current Company Details

Propoint Sp. Z O.O. Sp. K.

Programista Plc
Industrial Automation

Krystian Korfel Work Experience

Krystian Korfel Education

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Frequently Asked Questions about Krystian Korfel

What company does Krystian Korfel work for?

Krystian Korfel works for Propoint Sp. Z O.o. Sp. K.

What is Krystian Korfel's role in his/her workplace?

Krystian Korfel's role in his/her workplace is Programista Plc.

Which industry does Krystian Korfel work in currently?

Krystian Korfel works in the industry Industrial Automation.

What is Krystian Korfel's email address?

Krystian Korfel's email address is

What schools did Krystian Korfel attend?

Krystian Korfel attended The Silesian University Of Technology, The Silesian University Of Technology. The Silesian University Of Technology, The Silesian University Of Technology. and The Silesian University Of Technology.

What are some of Krystian Korfel's interests?

Krystian Korfel has interests in Politics, Politics. Science And Technology, Science And Technology. Education, Education. and Health.

What is Krystian Korfel's role in his workplace?

Krystian Korfel has skills like Ni Labview, Plc Programming, Matlab, Microsoft Office, Windows, Standard Vass, Step 7, Pc Worx, and Wincc.

Who are Krystian Korfel's colleagues?

Krystian Korfel's colleagues are Marcin Kałka, Marcin Kałka, Adrian Kłopotowski, Adrian Kłopotowski, Piotr Świeszek, Piotr Świeszek, Mateusz Bąk, Mateusz Bąk, Krzysztof Czachor, Krzysztof Czachor, and Tomasz Grabka. and Mateusz Szymura.

Who are Krystian Korfel's peers at other companies?

Krystian Korfel's peers at other companies are William Wiewandt, Sam Hassan, Ryan Harris, Dinesh Ambaliya, Mike Mcdonald, and Gregory Johnson. and Michael Perkins. Krystian Korfel's peers at other companies are William Wiewandt, Sam Hassan, Ryan Harris, Dinesh Ambaliya, Mike Mcdonald, and Gregory Johnson. and Michael Perkins.