Krishna Trading

Krishna Trading Email and Phone Number

Xyz @ Virgo Group
chandigarh, chandigarh, india

Krishna Trading's Current Company Details

Virgo Group

chandigarh, chandigarh, india

Krishna Trading Work Experience

    Virgo Group Dec 18 - Present · 6 yrs 2 mos
    Chandigarh, Chandigarh, India

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Frequently Asked Questions about Krishna Trading

What company does Krishna Trading work for?

Krishna Trading works for Virgo Group

What is Krishna Trading's role in his/her workplace?

Krishna Trading's role in his/her workplace is Xyz.

Which industry does Krishna Trading work in currently?

Krishna Trading works in the industry Machinery.

Who are Krishna Trading's colleagues?

Krishna Trading's colleagues are Tc Widarso, Tc Widarso, Sujoy Guha, Sujoy Guha, Naushad Alam, Naushad Alam, Sahar A, Sahar A, Deepshikha Rajput, Deepshikha Rajput, and Surendra Kumar. and Tapish Malik.

Who are Krishna Trading's peers at other companies?

Krishna Trading's peers at other companies are Eric Laurent, Gauthier Arminjon, Stig Blicher, Linda Xao, Romain Gerardin, and Marcos Antônio. and Hasan Çoban. Krishna Trading's peers at other companies are Eric Laurent, Gauthier Arminjon, Stig Blicher, Linda Xao, Romain Gerardin, and Marcos Antônio. and Hasan Çoban.